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What am I doing wrong?

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  • What am I doing wrong?

    When I try to create an improvement... I get it created, I get a Civilopedia or whatever entry made for it that works correctly... as well icons for it that show correctly... so that, it's there... and when I play a game, I can look it up in the city improvements of the civilopedia thingie, and click on it... read the entry... see the icon... see what it does, and what it requires... etc...

    BUT... I can't ever build it... it NEVER comes up in my list of buildable improvements for my cities. I started out having the only requirement be that you have a palace (so as to make it an improvement only buildable in the capital)... but I changed that to see what I could do... I've put different advances down, etc... trying to see how I could make it work... but so far... anytime I am in the situation that I believe I have created to be able to build my newly made-up improvement... it's just not in the build list...

    What am I doing wrong!?

  • #2
    Have you checked the for ticked resource requirements? That is a deal killer for they would have to be within the culture area of the city and have road link. Also check and see a government requirement if selected for the improvement.

    Clues could be garnered from whatever improvement you modified? Are you creating these improvements 'totally from scratch'?

    Better to modify an existing improvement and double check all inhibitors, ie; tech, other builds, government, resources.

    As far as adding in brand new improvements there may be an additional step not considered above, however I know it not as I stick to the limits by simply changing an existing building around. This may be the problem, a building limit is being exceeded, perhaps you should try, in addition to the considerations mentioned above to 'delete' some building and see if one of your 'added' buildings will then make it's appearance as available.

    I hope this helps...
    The Graveyard Keeper
    Of Creation Forum
    If I can't answer you don't worry
    I'll send you elsewhere

