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  • #16
    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
    Furthermore, things are made more complex again by the observation that luck tends to continue - the random numbers are not totally random, and so if you have been experiencing bad luck the trend is for that to continue for an unspecified number of random number rolls.
    Is this a specified/tested bug with the RNG or is it merely just frequent player(s) observation? Randomness does not mean its required to pick a totally different number every time. It is required to roll randomly. Every number is therefore an equal shot of rolling. Just because its statistically unlikely doesn't mean it can't roll the same number for a good long time. It goes in clumps sometimes, and you'll feel unlucky. Sometimes you'll get a clumped series of good rolls as well and feel supremely confident. Those are the breaks. Anyway, I believe this entire argument has been made in full from both sides when the proposed changes were first suggested and it seems trivial to continue it when the change has been dropped in the fury of public outcry.
    Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Catt

      EDIT: Walk away while composing a post, come back to finish and submit, and you run the risk of a 20-minute differential cross-post! MrWhereItsAt summed it up nicely before me. END EDIT
      Aw, shucks... You'd get the credit from my PhD supervisor though, for being the more thorough of we two. About all my post would be good for is secondary school teaching.

      Originally posted by swat-spas2

      Actually shouldn't it be 18.5D? 10% terrain, 50% walls, 25% fortified = 85%
      I think you'd be right there.

      Originally posted by swat-spas2

      Is this a specified/tested bug with the RNG or is it merely just frequent player(s) observation?
      I think this is just an observation - it would certainly not be completely easy to test, seeing as a HUGE sample size would be needed. This may have been backed up by a Firaxian, but until you see otherwise just treat this as an observation made by someone sometime and read by me in a post. Ain't the Internet beautiful?

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #18
        Thank you MrWhere and Catt!

        That helps out alot! At least now i can do the math before i attack.

        Thanks again!


        • #19
          Pre-C3C, but useful nonetheless:

          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


          • #20
            thx theseus - but i don't think i'll be alt-tab'ing while playing the game


            • #21
              hmm.. can i bug you guys with one more formula?

              How does experience factor into the 'Odds' calculation? Now i realize experience gives no bonus, except hitpoints, but how would you go about calculating the extra chances into the overall odds of winning?

              Example, Modern Armor (24 attack) vs Mech inf (assuming with all modifiers applied, Mech defense = 24). Now as i understand it thanks to you guys, on each roll, the odds are always 50% for each unit. But lets assume the Mech were Elite - according to the combat calculator from theseus, the odds are now something like 77% to 23% in favor of the Mech Inf (obviously, since it has more chances to fight). But how would you go about calculating that on paper?

              Thanks again for any help


              • #22
                Originally posted by swat-spas2
                Actually shouldn't it be 18.5D? 10% terrain, 50% walls, 25% fortified = 85%... each cav should have a good shot (1/3ish) of running away, but only about 7% of winning against fresh vet infantry. I've not often seen 30 AI cav attack, but if it were to happen, it should be ugly for both sides. Bad luck on your part.
                No terrain bonus for desert, so it is 175. I ran it through DES. I used 30 as I did not know what the actual count was, but knew it was over 20.

                The calculator used 10 trials so it is the avg of ten runs. The actual RNG could swing wildly and an outcome of 0 wins to 0 loses is possible. This is just the results of using the games rules.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MattPilot
                  hmm.. can i bug you guys with one more formula?

                  How does experience factor into the 'Odds' calculation? Now i realize experience gives no bonus, except hitpoints, but how would you go about calculating the extra chances into the overall odds of winning?

                  Example, Modern Armor (24 attack) vs Mech inf (assuming with all modifiers applied, Mech defense = 24). Now as i understand it thanks to you guys, on each roll, the odds are always 50% for each unit. But lets assume the Mech were Elite - according to the combat calculator from theseus, the odds are now something like 77% to 23% in favor of the Mech Inf (obviously, since it has more chances to fight). But how would you go about calculating that on paper?

                  Thanks again for any help

                  The experience is factored in with the HP's. If you run wiht 24 for A and D and no bonus the out come is not clear unless you use 100 for trials. Now the defender does well,but making it elite increases the def winning to close to 70%.

                  The problem is that you need to run it bunch of times to get a smothing. You can do a run, then another and see wild swings.
                  Making the trial number larger leels the out come.

                  Basically you need another roll if the unit has experience over the combatant. If you are a regular and go against a conscript you have an extra round. If the gap is wider you get yet another round. So elite vs reg gets two extra rounds if needed. This is why barracks are so useful.

