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2 newb questions about conquest

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  • #31
    Another thought: If you are keeping up in tech with the AI, that means they'll get saltpeter around the same time you would. Trade maps. Pay for them if you have to. Unfortunately, the AI no longer has extra resources to trade in C3C so your only alternative is war. Disconnect Iron. Build Horsemen. Max out on taxes. Sell techs for cash. Reconnect Iron and upgrade to Knights. Knights vs Pikes is good odds. They might have a few Muskets but if they're new to gunpowder, they won't have that many.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
      Alright, how about this then -

      Daniel Vettori's batting average was until very recently 16.09 in tests. Then for some of the latest tests he got a 55, a 60, a 48no and a 137no. These are great scores, but increases his average to only 20.47. If he had been making scores a little lower than the lowest of these great tallies his whole pro career and had made none of these outstanding runs then he would be better off with his average and total scores.

      But then he'd be solid, and solidly dull. The rush at the end is massive fun, but it won't do much for your score no matter WHAT you accomplish.
      I think that your comparison to a ODI was much better.

      I suppose an even better comparison would be if there were eight ODIs happening at the same time but each country was batting against a combined world eleven with the best bowlers and fielders from each of the countries - but that could get a bit confusing - especially with all the different coloured uniforms

      Don't worry about trying to explain it anymore - I understood it to start with - I just don't know the terms they use in Baseball for the stats etc. I tried watching once but I think I needed a tutor...


      • #33
        Since this got lost on the first page at the bottom Ill re post it

        Ok I started a game last night. I have a zip folder that is around 1 mb that has about 7 saves throughout. Please take a look and tell me what you think. and what I should do. I will also post it in strategy.
        UT Maniac UT Maniac Home to over 500 tutorials for Unreal editing!


        • #34
          We should do a new thread on newb errors. Like a top ten or top twenty. Most new players share misconceptions and faults. Like building far too many defensive units. That might be the number one mistake new players make.


          • #35
            Top twenty newb mistakes.

            Despite the fact that Civ has been around for decades and many of the same fundamentals from earlier versions hold today, we still have many new players who show up and have a really hard time even on the easier levels.

            So, the point of this thread is for the community to discuss errors common to newbs. We invite opinions and discusssion and yes, newbs to posts savs for the vets to pour over. We will nominate and debate goofs and pratfalls and perhaps finally with a poll we can settle on a top twenty newb mistakes.

            I'll start with my favorite dumb thing to do. Building defensive units, especially spearmen. My postion is that you should only build warriors as necessary for police duty. I have played diety level PTW games to an early domination victory without ever building a spearman, pikeman, or musketman. I hold that having a suffcient military to get respect from the AI is important and you can do just that by building horsemen, swordsmen, and later knights for both mobile defense and offense. The only reason to build a spear or pike would be an emergency, which, by its nature, probably occurs due to one or more of the other top twenty gaffes.

            #1 Civagoof: Building spearmen

            edit: Starting a new thread in the middle of an existing one is too good a goof to delete.


            • #36
              Are you actually enjoying the game now Jimmy?


              • #37
                no it sucks


                • #38
                  Civ2 and SMAC were great and there is always the off chance that Firaxis might accidently get Civ4 right. Also, they have made some minimal progress on Civ3. Minimal.

                  And remember, bad civ is still good gaming.


                  • #39
                    And here I thought you went all soft on us.

                    And yes, even bad civ is better than most games. Bad MoO however is just bad MoO.


                    • #40
                      jimmytrick, I'm not so sure about the whole "don't build spearmen" thing


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by skywalker
                        jimmytrick, I'm not so sure about the whole "don't build spearmen" thing
                        *steven8r looks at Skywalker's Avatar and smiles knowingly

                        Afterall, Spears are the BEST defense vs Tanks!!!

                        "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                        • #42
                          I like the idea of no spearman. Will try it next game. I admit that I will probably still use them to protect the invasion force from counter attack.

                          Does that mean I am still a newb at the game


                          • #43
                            For those of you that tried to open the first zip there was a problem. I had just installed xp pro and I couldnt even open the same file I zipped with it. So I downloaded winzip and used that so you should have no problems now. I replaced the bad file with a good file with the same name so overwrite the first copy. Sorry for that.
                            UT Maniac UT Maniac Home to over 500 tutorials for Unreal editing!


                            • #44
                              techbota I still cannot find any files. I am using XP PRO as well.
                              When I try to use the "open" instead of save, it says the file is corrupted or empty. It is empy, except for a folder. Before it did not have a folder even.

                              All you need to do is select all the files and use the "send to" to put them in a compress folder/file.


                              • #45
                                Sent it to your email.
                                UT Maniac UT Maniac Home to over 500 tutorials for Unreal editing!

