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Rome ....

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  • Rome ....


    Just playing The rise of Rome, and seem to be experiencing the fact that teh AI nations - especially Celts and Carthage - are producing ridiculous amounts
    of units.

    Carthage has approx 15-20 cities, and is landing between 4 and 8 cavalry and swordsmen per turn on Sicily ( oh and it seems to have about 16 ships too ), and the Celts are throwing waves of swordsmen at me. I must have killed literally dozens of units, yet it seems to have endless amounts of them. There is no respite either - no build up period or anything just wave after wave of them. Anyone else noticed this ... playing on monarch level atm.

    I am convinced there is no way those nations can be producing that fast ( ??)


  • #2

    im no expert but i only finished playing rise of rome at monarch level last weekend.

    yes i found that the celts had LOADS of units, but only in the latter half.
    cant say about cartage cause i killed them off ( while staying at peace wit all other civs)

    tho when i finished the cartagians and was proceeding to wipe out the macedonians (who were being attacked by every civ) i had many sweaty moments becuase the celts marched around 60 units straight across my empire to get at the macedonians (which i wiped out before they got their ) i didnt have the balls to ask them to leave cause i already had 2 fronts by then and was waiting to build my FB near their land before i wanted to attack them.

    so yea i found that they produced lots of units, particularly the persians, who had LOADS of heavy calvery (on one occasion i saw 20 of them attack one city, not mine ).


    • #3

      Sounds to me like you've made the mistake of fighting a two-front war in this game. What I really like about this game is that it's more than just Rome beating the snot out of everyone else. You NEED to play a good diplomatic game as well.

      As you've noticed, the Celts are able to throw massive numbers of GS at you. I'd recommend making peace with them ASAP, then see if you can turn them to a war with Carthage.

      On its own, Carthage is VERY beatable, especially once you get Legion II's. Build up your naval power to interrupt their landings on Sicily, then take the offensive.
      They don't get no stranger.
      Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
      "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


      • #4
        Kill the Celts first. Then they should not be a menace anymore ^_^

        And btw, Gaule is a quite productive land, not too far from your Palace, so...

