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Aztec Warrior, Incan Scout and Chariots

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  • Aztec Warrior, Incan Scout and Chariots

    Many people on these boards agreed that Incan Scout is too expensive for its role.
    I personally have played 5-6 games with them, and in neither of them I got any big use of this unit.

    Also, many players don't use Chariots too, since they are just too expensive for their role.

    So, for me, it looks that having Incan Scout at price of 15 shields won't be unbalanced.
    Same for normal Chariots (although you still need to find Horses).

    But, wouldn't this devaluate use of Aztec Warrior?
    Making it cost just 10 shields isn't an option, since it is not balanced in MP enviroment (with early rushes).

    So what can be done?

    Original Aztec Warrior had 10 shields cost which means:
    -10 turns in town with 1 shield production
    -5 turns in town with 2 shield production
    -4 turns in town with 3 shield production
    -3 turns in town with 4 shield production
    -2 turns in town with 5 shield production

    C3C Aztec Warrior has 15 shields cost which means:
    -15 turns in town with 1 shield production
    -8 turns in town with 2 shield production
    -5 turns in town with 3 shield production
    -4 turns in town with 4 shield production
    -3 turns in town with 5 shield production

    If price would be 12 shields it would mean:
    -12 turns in town with 1 shield production
    -6 turns in town with 2 shield production
    -4 turns in town with 3 shield production
    -3 turns in town with 4 shield production
    -3 turns in town with 5 shield production

    Bad solution, since it takes same time in town with 3-4 shields as when producing units which costs 10 shields.

    But if price would be 13 shields it would mean:
    -13 turns in town with 1 shield production
    -7 turns in town with 2 shield production
    -5 turns in town with 3 shield production
    -4 turns in town with 4 shield production
    -3 turns in town with 5 shield production

    Which seams as good solution, since in all cases it takes at least one turn more to get a unit compared to units

    with 10 shields.

    Now about Chariot balance compared to Incan and Aztec units:
    -It's OK, since Chariots still need The Wheel and Horses avaiable
    -Aztec unit is still cheaper in smaller cities
    -Incan Scout anc Aztec Warrior can go were Chariot can not (and Incan Scout is even faster in that case).

  • #2
    15-shoeld cost will make Incan scout overpowered.
    The reason is, they can keep running on hills and mountains, gaining superier sight range while not being slowed down.

    I had tried that change once, and got Monarchy (plus all level 1 and level 2 techs, researching Writing) at 2550 BC on standard map, Monarch level. I don't think that is balanced.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Risa
      15-shoeld cost will make Incan scout overpowered.
      The reason is, they can keep running on hills and mountains, gaining superier sight range while not being slowed down.
      I can do that with normal scouts too (if first tile is not on mountains and hills).

      I'll try few starts once again, just to make sure.


      • #4
        Of course. Normal scouts can make mountain-hopping, while Incan scouts are mountain-runners. Still big difference.


        • #5
          "But, wouldn't this devaluate use of Aztec Warrior?"

          Ehh, it would just be like the relationship between the Hittite and Egyptian special units.


          • #6
            "But, wouldn't this devaluate use of Aztec Warrior?"

            Ehh, it would just be like the relationship between the Hittite and Egyptian special units.
            They both have different cost and different stats.

            On the other hand Incan unit is slightly better then Aztec one, so having same cost is not right.

            I've played few games with 15 cost Scout and I yet haven't got anything too much unbalancing.

            Although maybe it does feel a little bit stange to have most of your units composed of Scouts (I built them mostly instead of Warriors).


            • #7
              You can get Swords from Jags, but nothing valuable from Inca Scouts (cannot remember that tongue-twisting name).

