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One City Challenge

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  • One City Challenge

    has anyone ever done this in Civ3?

    I am just wondering because I feel like civing again, and I am not sure if C3C stanard is worth playing yet (it is close deffinitely, but it sounds as if the FP still has problems)

    Jon Miller
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

  • #2
    Yeah, sure. Shoot for a 20K culture win. It makes a nice game.

    Likewise a five city game where you try to get each to 20K on the same turn so that you win by both 20K and 100K at the same time.


    • #3
      i think the civ total for a culture win is 80000 now.

      dunno about the challenge though - sounds kinda boring


      • #4
        There was a thread a few months ago posted by someone who had accomplished the one city win in Civ 3. No idea who it was.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #5
          If I am not mistaken Sir Pleb from Civfanatics had a game in which he set up every win condition for the 2050 turn in a milked game of the month. Now, that is game mastery.

          Now with conquests you may not even need the MapStat program as they have the % of world right on the victory screen.


          • #6

            This is a full well-written tale of one man's single-city game. Its a pretty good read even tho its slightly dated.

            Another brilliant Idea from the think tank. Sure, why don't ya both come up. We'll put the prisioner on the honor system, have 'er guard 'erself.


            • #7
              OCC is, I should say, quite easy if you have good starting. It's unlikely to lose a game if you start by a river on shore.

              The keys are Colossus, republic and golden age asap, and tourist attraction.


              • #8
                Toe Truck has a few game posted in the strat thread at PTW. I think they are at emperor, but I am not sure.


                • #9
                  link plz?

                  Another brilliant Idea from the think tank. Sure, why don't ya both come up. We'll put the prisioner on the honor system, have 'er guard 'erself.


                  • #10
                    Dare I ask why you care about FP if you're considering OCC?

                    Not that I'm suggesting you won't get to use it...
                    It's all my territory really, they just squat on it...!
                    She didn't declare war on me, she's just playing 'hard to get'...


                    • #11
                      well, I played one

                      easiest game of Civ3 I have ever played

                      check my thread in Civ3 general

                      Jon Miller
                      Jon Miller-
                      I AM.CANADIAN
                      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                      • #12
                        I've never tried OCC. Probably never will, though its always seemed to be a real challenge.

