The scientific trait has really paid off for me in my current game as the Byzantines. The Scientific Trait has really moved up in power since PTW.
The Byzantines are nice because they are scientific and Seafaring (they start with Alphabet). This means you will be first to writing, philosophy...then literature (for free).
Then with all the extra contacts I have the science lead. I was first to research most techs. I did have a good starting position (2 cows) and got pyramids in 1830 BC (rushed by SGL).
First SGL with Philosophy, next one with Republic, then again with Theology. Rushed Pyramids, then Sun Tzu's, Then I am saving up my 3rd one for Bachs Cathedral. I have prebuilt Sistines with about 12 turns to go and I am the only power with Theology (so I'll save the leader for Bachs).
Loving the Byzantines their traits work very well together. The contacts usually assure you will be forst or tied for first in tech then you can research many techs first..thus giovign you SGLs. I am currently 1st in Pop, Land, Culture, and science. But those pesky English are looking pretty strong on the other continent, followed by Portugal and The Netherlands
The Byzantines are nice because they are scientific and Seafaring (they start with Alphabet). This means you will be first to writing, philosophy...then literature (for free).
Then with all the extra contacts I have the science lead. I was first to research most techs. I did have a good starting position (2 cows) and got pyramids in 1830 BC (rushed by SGL).
First SGL with Philosophy, next one with Republic, then again with Theology. Rushed Pyramids, then Sun Tzu's, Then I am saving up my 3rd one for Bachs Cathedral. I have prebuilt Sistines with about 12 turns to go and I am the only power with Theology (so I'll save the leader for Bachs).
Loving the Byzantines their traits work very well together. The contacts usually assure you will be forst or tied for first in tech then you can research many techs first..thus giovign you SGLs. I am currently 1st in Pop, Land, Culture, and science. But those pesky English are looking pretty strong on the other continent, followed by Portugal and The Netherlands
