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Adding more than 16 Civilizations..

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  • Adding more than 16 Civilizations..

    I orginially posted this at the Civ 3 Conquests board but they told me to post it here. Here it is:


    I am new here at Apolyton and I was wondering if people here knew how I could have more than 16 civs in a scenario. The reason I ask is because a friend of mine is able to and he said there's something in the editor that would allow me to use all the civs on this gigantic world map created by someone. I can get 16 on it but for some reason the editor goes up to 16 and no higher than that.

    The version of the editor is 1.5. Is there a higher version? If so where? Anyway, please let me know how I can add more than 16 civs to a map. I believe you can. Others have done it but they said it was automatic. Thanks in advance!

    Sorry for spamming or whatever. Hope people here can help.

  • #2
    I am no expert, but a quick scan at teh editor show the tab for world size. There you set how many civs are allowed for the game.
    If you have CivIII, you have aproblem in that you need to create more civs, it only has 16.
    If PTW you have 24 to use. If C3C 31 plus the barbs. That is the max. So if you have the older one, you need to create additional civs.


    • #3
      Take a look at TETurkhans Test of Time Scenario, it has 31 Civs on a huge earth map, I've played it on PTW as the Incas, it was great.
      Goto My Library


      • #4
        I played that one as the Romans, but eventually had to quit, some time in modern times - I was waiting 20 minutes between turns! Be warned - adding lots of players seriously eats up processing power.


        • #5
          HA HA, I know what U mean... try playing with yourself while you service a roomful of angry gang members! Hoo boy, if only I'd had 20 minutes inbetween eating out those hunky twinks...

          Originally posted by Plotinus
          I played that one as the Romans, but eventually had to quit, some time in modern times - I was waiting 20 minutes between turns! Be warned - adding lots of players seriously eats up processing power.


          • #6
            UP UP UP! LOL



            • #7
              i got a 362X362 world realistic map, i play with 31 others AI civilizations.
              "...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum..." but; there is no time for peace, no forgiveness, no respite, there is only war.


              • #8
                I think my computer (which is fairly new), would operate too slowly in mid to late game if I used the maximum number of civiliations on huge map.

                Right now, I really enjoy playing on a huge map of 280 x 280, with 18 civilizations. I might try 20 civilizations with 300 x 300 in my next game.

                BTW -- I finally purchased Conquests a couple of weeks ago, and it came with PTW for a total of only $30. I am in love with this expansion.
                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                • #9
                  Someone hacked my account! I don't remember saying ANY of that stuff after my first post. Someone hacked my account! can someone help me?


                  P.S. I am serious.. Someone was posing as me! Whoever it was changed my profile.
                  Last edited by Cferra; January 25, 2004, 01:06.


                  • #10
                    maybe they are using the old blank character trick?


                    • #11
                      okay. I won't do it again.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cferra
                        Someone hacked my account! I don't remember saying ANY of that stuff after my first post. Someone hacked my account! can someone help me?


                        P.S. I am serious.. Someone was posing as me! Whoever it was changed my profile.
                        PM Ming.


                        • #13
                          his previous thread got locked, poor settler.

