I've always set barbarians to 'Raging' in my games because I figure this gives me maximum challenge. But I wonder if that is really the case.
The AI makes a big priority of wiping out barbarians. If they have to focus on military and wiping out large amount of barbs, then maybe this slows their infrastructure building? Maybe it gives them less troops to defend against other civs?
Raging barbs are rarely an issue for me because I expand rapidly and I place units in empty areas so that new barb settlements cannot grow near me. The biggest problem I have is that they churn out the sea units and I lose quite a bit of curraghs/galleys when trying to get past a stack of 5 or 6 barb sea units.
The AI doesn't make good use of barbarian hordes either. I decided to settle a small empty continent in a recent game. It was late ancient age. Upon exploring the continent with a swordsman I found a barb settlement with 31 horsemen and one warrior. I had just made two cities nearby and they were completely empty. The horseman never moved out of the settlement once my swordsman moved next to it. They could have easily overwhelmed me. Stupid AI!
The AI makes a big priority of wiping out barbarians. If they have to focus on military and wiping out large amount of barbs, then maybe this slows their infrastructure building? Maybe it gives them less troops to defend against other civs?
Raging barbs are rarely an issue for me because I expand rapidly and I place units in empty areas so that new barb settlements cannot grow near me. The biggest problem I have is that they churn out the sea units and I lose quite a bit of curraghs/galleys when trying to get past a stack of 5 or 6 barb sea units.
The AI doesn't make good use of barbarian hordes either. I decided to settle a small empty continent in a recent game. It was late ancient age. Upon exploring the continent with a swordsman I found a barb settlement with 31 horsemen and one warrior. I had just made two cities nearby and they were completely empty. The horseman never moved out of the settlement once my swordsman moved next to it. They could have easily overwhelmed me. Stupid AI!
