After reading through a lot of threads, I'm not sure I'm dumb anymore or I'm having a real problem with Conquests. My cities have strategic resources in their range (either cultural or even in the 2square range), like horses and iron, but nothing appears inside the city's strategic resource box and I can't build any units who need those resources.
In Civ3 you only needed to have those resources in range. Do you need anything different in Conquests, like road to the resource square or something?
After reading through a lot of threads, I'm not sure I'm dumb anymore or I'm having a real problem with Conquests. My cities have strategic resources in their range (either cultural or even in the 2square range), like horses and iron, but nothing appears inside the city's strategic resource box and I can't build any units who need those resources.
In Civ3 you only needed to have those resources in range. Do you need anything different in Conquests, like road to the resource square or something?