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Rambling, stuff I'd like to see

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  • Rambling, stuff I'd like to see

    Hey, is it just me or do Agricultural civs seem to have a higher probability of starting near a river (or maybe other freshwater)? Not that I'm complaining about it, but if this is so, it should be documented. Of course, that the +1 food/city bonus only applies to cities on rivers and near freshwater while under despotism still needs to be documented, though...

    My favorite civ right now (which seems to change from day to day, but oh well) is the Maya. For one thing, I like the combination of Industrious and Agricultural...grow like a weed AND get stuff done faster, which leads to a fast-paced, but not unbalanced, opening game. But then, the Maya also get the Javelin Thrower, which can enslave units, and that combined with the Industrious trait gives them some insane power.

    Which of course leads to the now-infamous "Javs enslaving barbs" scenario. I, too, vote for the solution that barbarians have a lower probability of being enslaved. However I don't think this reduction should be flat. I think it should instead be based on the number of workers the civ already has. (This isn't unlike mind worm capture in Alpha Centauri, where it becomes harder to recruit mind worms if you have a lot.) This way, enslaving barbs is still possible, but yields diminishing returns, so you only get so much out of it. This reduction might also be implemented (though less steeply of course) for enemy civ units, but since I have little experience with this whole enslaving strategy (I didn't find out about it until today) I can't really say whether that additional weakening is necessary. (This is the main point of my post; I didn't post about it in the other threads because they're really, really long and they're already too long for me to want to read; I feel as though anything I add there will be lost :P)

    Some stuff I'd like to see fixed that has been around since vanilla Civ (pay no heed):
    - As far as I know, you still have to 'optimize' your research slider as techs get to around 4 turns or fewer remaining. That is, if you don't adjust the slider as you are about to discover a tech, you'll lose gold to unneeded research points. Maybe when a tech is discovered, the "overflow" should be converted to gold, or count toward the next advance? Of course, overflow that occurs because of the 4 tech/turn minimum should still be lost, or there would be weird exploits (pump up research to get more gold!)
    - No research is conducted on the first turn after establishing first city unless you go to the science advisor first.
    - This is very minor, but...when you aren't researching any tech (at the beginning), sometimes when you visit the Science Advisor, then switch to something else, he says "Our mystics need guidance..." and forces you to select a tech. This can also happen if you try to visit another advisor first. Other times he doesn't do this at all. The conditions can be exactly the same and his behavior will be inconsistent; I've started the Intro1 conquest, hit B to build the city, hit enter, leave city screen, then hit F1 to adjust tax rates. Sometimes the Science Advisor interrupts me, but more often he does not.

    The first point is, in my mind, fairly major (all those points add up; with two players who are equal in all respects except one is aware of the problem, the aware player will probably have a better game more often); the second isn't so major, and probably nobody cares about the last. But I find them all kind of odd, and they stick out to me like a sore thumb...but I can live with them. If I couldn't, I'd have complained about them a lot sooner.

    - Kef

  • #2
    As far as 4 tech/turn overflow and no tech the first turn, you have to leave SOMETHING for the experts to know and the n00bs to learn.


    • #3
      a declined return on investment curve for the Mayan's enslave ability....hmmm...

      With all the talk about the overpowering mayans, that might not be a bad idea.
      Haven't been here for ages....


      • #4
        Re: Rambling, stuff I'd like to see

        Originally posted by furrykef
        (This isn't unlike mind worm capture in Alpha Centauri, where it becomes harder to recruit mind worms if you have a lot.)
        Is this for certain? I didn't know that..

        - Maybe when a tech is discovered, the "overflow" should be converted to gold, or count toward the next advance? Of course, overflow that occurs because of the 4 tech/turn minimum should still be lost, or there would be weird exploits (pump up research to get more gold!)
        That would be an interesting exploit, as all you need do is build Libraries and Universities, and on the overflow turn they would effectively count as Markets/Banks...

        Nevertheless it is from the fact that food, shields and research are not carried over that all the micromanagement tactics are so used. It just wouldn;t be Civ3 without all the MM!

        -- This is very minor, but...when you aren't researching any tech (at the beginning), sometimes when you visit the Science Advisor, then switch to something else, he says "Our mystics need guidance..." and forces you to select a tech. This can also happen if you try to visit another advisor first. Other times he doesn't do this at all. The conditions can be exactly the same and his behavior will be inconsistent; I've started the Intro1 conquest, hit B to build the city, hit enter, leave city screen, then hit F1 to adjust tax rates. Sometimes the Science Advisor interrupts me, but more often he does not.
        Really? I have never noticed the advisor NOT telling me to select a tech. If he does not at times this might qualify as a bug.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          (This isn't unlike mind worm capture in Alpha Centauri, where it becomes harder to recruit mind worms if you have a lot.)
          Is this for certain? I didn't know that...
          It's in Prima's SMAC guide; they may have changed it in a subsequent patch but it's really doubtful because it was (according to the guide and, given its explanation, I agree) a critical balancing factor. Another thing is that it's harder to capture a mind worm with another mind worm, but obviously that doesn't apply to this "barb farm" situation.

          [rant]By the way, unlike Prima's Civ 3 guide, I think the SMAC guide is much more helpful. (Of course, now that it's out in dead-tree format, Vel's guide would be a much better choice if you had to pick one...of course the online FAQ version is great but it's harder to skim through.) A lot of it repeated the info in the game's datalinks, but it was OK with me because it was even easier to look up stuff and it did have good advice on facilities and Secret Projects in addition to reiterating what they do. The Civ 3 guide tells you, "this wonder is teh graet!!! get it, get it now!!!!!1" and I'm like, "but what does it DO?"...why consult one source just to have to consult another? Argh. I still regret wasting my money on that thing. :P[/rant]

          Nevertheless it is from the fact that food, shields and research are not carried over that all the micromanagement tactics are so used. It just wouldn't be Civ3 without all the MM!
          Ooh, good counterpoint. It does work that way with everything else, doesn't it? On the other hand, though, things like food/shield production overflows are dealt with by calculating them and then avoiding them by changing production accordingly beforehand...but I think the tax sliders are a little different because they're on the civ level, not the city level, and adjusting the sliders in advance is a little annoying. I used to forget it all the time, but now because of it I have a very close eye on when I get the next tech. Hmm...maybe it's not so bad after all. I do see where you're coming from, and I guess it's a good enough response for me. I'll leave it alone.

          And, though you didn't mention it, just to be clear I still think you should be forced to select a tech BEFORE the end of the first turn (or at least the end of the turn the capital is built), though, because it has little to do with's not really a micromanagement thing (since it's a one-shot deal), it's just a silly detail that's easily forgotten until you're used to it. Some people might not even notice it, just always waiting for the second turn to select a tech...

          I think in practice the difference of that one turn of tech, especially when you usually barely have commerce production at all, is pretty small even though it's technically turn advantage (especially since, even with fine-tuning the slider, you'll probably have a small amount of overflow, so the one or two beakers lost is no big deal). But of course I'd prefer to have it than not have it, just in case it'd be needed...

          Really? I have never noticed the advisor NOT telling me to select a tech. If he does not at times this might qualify as a bug.
          Yeah, it's there and it's a bug. I noticed it in vanilla Civ, PTW, and's no big deal, since if you visit the advisors you'll probably remember to select a tech anyway...I'm pretty sure that he always forces you to select a tech if you didn't on the turn you built the capital. I think the thing might be that the advisor doesn't realize the capital was already built.

          I need to double-check that I'm being consistent and always doing this after building the capital, but I'm still pretty sure he does fail to ask after I already built it. If he doesn't, call me Ishmael and hit me with a wet fish...

          - Kef
          I AM.BUDDHIST

