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Was FP Corruption Bug fixed?

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  • #31
    I told you so!

    I was happy with C3C as it was, and it seems there's just no pleasing some.

    My only concern is how this will affect the DyP mod, that has multiple FPs.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #32
      First of all, thank you fireaxis. Is there anyway you could remove the FP changes and give us a Patch basically for the GPT problem.

      This, not the FP issue, was the biggest hinderance to enjoying the game. The FP issue was irritating, but wasn't fatal because you still had 2 powerful cores. This from a person who plays on huge maps with many cities.

      As of now I am hesistant to play anything over Monarch with the new patch and am hesistant to even install it.

      I must ask, why were 2 key changes(combat and FP) contemplated for a patch. With all due respect(and you deserve tons) why make such large scale changes when all was desired by the civ community was some small fixes to GPT,RCP and FP. If the corruption issue required large changes to the FP, then I suspect I speak for most when I say "leave it as orginal in conquest". Luckily you were clear on the combat changes so that was removed, but since the change to the FP was less understood we were unable to give input.

      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #33
        I have had the same experiences with the now-useless FP as described above in a game started with the patch.

        Sir R's comments are helpful. How about a discussion of the value of governments other than republic and demo for the successful warmonger? It looks like conquered territory is going to be completely unproductive but maybe communist and/or fascist governments are the way to go?
        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


        • #34
          Originally posted by dexters
          I haven't tested if they changed this, but ore v.1.12 officers almost always add at most 1 corrupt shield and 1 corrupt commerce back into non-corruption when used. This is in a moderately corrupt city. In really corrupt cities, they have no effect. We'd almost always be better off using other specialists (taxman, civil engineer), giving either 2 tax or 2 shields in any city you use them. I feel officers need to be tweaked to make them more useful. There should be a diminishing returns algorithm where officers are more powerful on really corrupt cities and gets decreasingly so closer to your capital.

          I personally prefer to have a second core, but the argument that this was changed for the AI's sake is a convincing argument. Still, I find corruption to be higher.

          I loaded up my PTW game and the differences were starling. In v 1,12 c3c I'm running 20% plus of corruption to total income (not including wall street and foreign trade income) under democracy.
          F the GD AI..., I want to have a good game when I play PBEM and/or MP. I would rather play against another Human than the AI. I might use the AI/SP route to work on a possible strategy, but only to use it in an envirorment that I'm playing other Humans. If the AI can't place a decent FP, then too bad. I play against other people who DO know how to place an FP (amonst other things).

          I'm currently in 2 C3C PBEM's and am looking to get into a couple of others, but I'm not going to do this beta patch, because they can't get it right.

          FIX THIS SH*T!!!!

          Last edited by E_T; December 25, 2003, 16:17.
          Come and see me at WePlayCiv
          Worship the Comic here!
          Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


          • #35
            /me begins the "Bring Back RCP" Club.

            Anyone with me?

            btw, let's not forget for a moment that this is a BETA patch and the final version might be somewhat improved (I hope).
            A true ally stabs you in the front.

            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


            • #36
              I'm sure that the developers are closely following the community's reaction to these changes, and the official patch will most certainly reflect this. Remember that they took the combat changes out of the beta patch even before it was released.
              I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


              • #37
                Sign me disappointed in the new FP. I have had a loathing for corruption since dot (do a search if you don't believe me). Pre 1.12 and with 1.12, corruption is too much.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #38
                  I love corruption!

                  Anyway, from a very quick test, it seems that the new FP acts as a second palace only for distance corruption, but it does nothing to rank corruption. I have no problem with that. In fact, it gives you something to think about when choosing the location for your FP (the best location is no longer necessarily as far as possible from the palace).


                  • #39
                    Okay, distance corruption only. It seems an expensive build for a moderate improvement.
                    Haven't been here for ages....


                    • #40
                      well, I haven't had a chance to play C3C so far, let alone with the beta patch, but this change really doesn't bother me at all. I rarely play on huge maps and I'm not that obsessive about corruption in my games... it's just something that happens, so I try to fix it using the available tools, and C3C have introduced a few new ones.

                      what I really want to know is: has the gpt bug been fixed?
                      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                      • #41
                        It seems to be corrected. So far I am not seeing tons of cash in the AI's hands.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by alexman
                          I love corruption!

                          Anyway, from a very quick test, it seems that the new FP acts as a second palace only for distance corruption, but it does nothing to rank corruption. I have no problem with that. In fact, it gives you something to think about when choosing the location for your FP (the best location is no longer necessarily as far as possible from the palace).
                          I was waiting for this.

                          That doesn't sound ridiculous, though I reserve final judgement until I get back to my machine and test it.

                          The FP was always in need of a slight nerf IMO. If this is not too extreme it could work out.


                          • #43
                            Ok, that sounds about right then. Even if Firaxis does tweak FP up a bit later, I hope its not too much.


                            • #44
                              Edit: I crossposted with the last two.

                              Reading this thread, it sounds to me an awful lot like in the beta patch, a FP is a glorified Court House / Police Station building for the FP-centric cities.

                              There's a couple of things that might be happening:
                              1. Every city's distance based corruption may now be from the original palace while CN = Math.min(CN from Palace, CN from FP)

                              2. Every city is taking CN from the original palace, while the distance is coming from closest of Palace and FP.

                              Perhaps the easyist way to determine which is the case is to make a scenerio where the chosen race to look at starts with 2 cities half way around the world from each other with one starting with the Palace and the other with the FP, and each city has a settler.
                              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                              Templar Science Minister
                              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                              • #45
                                Myself, I think that the FP wasn't worth building at all (except in very rare circumstances) under Conquests 1.0. It had the effect of halfway redistrupting corruption and that's only adventgous if the area being reduced has a higher raw outfit (including inferstructure but not including corruption/waste) than the previous zone but not so high as for moving the Palace itsself to be economical.

                                Under this beta rule, the optimum location for the FP is going to be very close where the optimum location was in PTW [spliting your empire evenly between FP & P centric cities evenlly for CN purposes is very nearly the same problem as minimizing the sum total of the lowest of distances of each of your cities to a pair of cities], except it's effects will be a lot less than pre-Conquests.
                                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                                Templar Science Minister
                                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

