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GRAPHIC: C3C buildings - fixed and extended

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  • GRAPHIC: C3C buildings - fixed and extended

    Although not a mod in the strict sense of the word, these Conquests building icon sheets have been improved in several ways.

    1. The file is a little longer (34 extra entries) and all the icons from the different Conquests scenarios have been added in alphabetical order, the wonders (which have splashes) first and the improvements later. This still leaves five spare entries.

    2. The industrial era large bank icon has been fixed - see bug report.

    3. Geisha and FeifEstab icons have been added to the library and courthouse rows, respectively. With the default settings this changes nothing, put if the entries are changed in the PediaIcons.txt file from ERA to CULTURE, and the corresponding pedia icon links added, it allows asian civilization to have their own flavor of these improvements.

    Rate the mod here!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by pawel; February 20, 2004, 14:53.
    Scenario / Mod: The Rising Sun - Conquests
    Graphics: Conquests buildings

  • #2
    Not being the Civ Connoisseur that my girlfriend claims I am, I have no clue how to use these. Can someone email me at and tell me just how exactly I can incorporate these icons into my game?



    • #3
      I found this step by step tutorial at civfanatics. Although it is written for PTW, it should work for Conquests as well. If you want an example, look at my Scenario/Mod. There I have added all the wonders from Conquests.

      Good Luck!
      Scenario / Mod: The Rising Sun - Conquests
      Graphics: Conquests buildings


      • #4
        Something like this was much easier in civ2. Firaxis hasn't made life easy for modders in civ3.
        Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

        The new iPod nano: nano


        • #5
          Yes, it is a bit complicated. But once you know how to do the icons and wonder splashes in the pediaicons.txt file, write the description in the civilopedia.txt, and add the building in the editor it isn't that bad really...

          As a bonus, I attach a post of each icon separately. They have the same names as the corresponding pedia icons, so don't unzip them in the wrong directory!
          Attached Files
          Scenario / Mod: The Rising Sun - Conquests
          Graphics: Conquests buildings

