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Mod idea: Gunboat and its advanced version

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  • Mod idea: Gunboat and its advanced version

    Currently in C3C, all war ships of the industrial and modern ages are either attacker-defender-artillery all-in-one, or very specialistic, such as submarine, carrier, transport.
    Also, all ships require some kind of resource, and mostly oil. The only three that don't need oil are early-industrial ironclad with coal, late-modern AEGIS cruiser with aluminum and uranium, and specialistic nuclear submarine with uranium. That is, if you are lack of oil, you are largely banished from industrial and modern sea.

    So I'm considering adding some new ships to the game. They are straight surface war ships, though they are light attackers rather than the all-in-one type "full" warships. They don't require resources, but slightly weaker than "full" warships of the same stage. They are Gunboat, Torpedo boat and Missile boat.

    These ships are originally designed for coastly defenses, not oversea marshalling. They are fast in combat, mounting disproportionate firepower to their relatively small bodies, and don't care about defense, since all they do is attack enemy invasion ships and retreat before counter attack. Therefore, by the game stats, they are generally high in attack, low in defense and movement.

    prerequisite tech: Ironclads, 75 shields, A/D/M 4/2/3, defensive bombard B/R/RoF 3/0/1, no AA, upgrade to Torpedo boat.

    Torpedo boat
    prerequisite tech: Mass Production, 90 shields, A/D/M 8/3/3, defensive bombard B/R/RoF 6/0/1, no AA, upgrade to Missile boat.

    Missile boat
    prerequisite tech: Miniaturization, 110 shields, A/D/M 12/4/4, defensive bombard B/R/RoF 9/0/1, AA 1.

    Any comments?

    Edit: increase bombard strength of Torpedo boat and Missile boat to 6 and 9 respective, to make them worth their shield cost.
    Last edited by Risa; December 17, 2003, 07:13.