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Hyborian Age scenario considerations

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  • Hyborian Age scenario considerations


    I've been looking around for a Hyborian Age scenario, but haven't found any, so I brushed the dust off an old CivII map that I created and tried to extend it. If anyone else has had the same idea, please let me know . I've tried to find information about the Hyborian Age, but in certain areas (such as city names and great leaders), information is scarce. And if anyone wants to design graphics, feel very welcome

    Anyway, I've encountered some design problems, and wonder if anyone has any thoughts:

    The map is asymmetrically occupied, which means the eastern tribes will have lots more land to settle than the western tribes. This is similar to "reality", but it gives these tribes an unfair advantage in the game. One way to reduce this advantage could be to provide them with fewer resources and/or less advantageous land (plains and hills instead of grassland). Any other suggestions?

    Also, there are two mighty seafaring nations in the scenario, both located on the western seaboard. I have thought of ways to let them benefit from this ability, as the continent is much too large for their naval fleets to have any significance, and have concluded that they at least should have two traits: harbors should increase water commerce, and naval units should have lethal bombardment both on land and water. The second trait is easy, but how do I accomplish something like the first trait? Ironically, I can increase food and shields in water, but not commerce. Any other suggestions on how the seafaring abilities can be rewarded? Maybe they should start with all seafaring advances.

    Another problem I have is that one of the major tribes are nomades, and I have only found 1 city that they hold. If I turn them into barbarians and let them roam the land, a lot of the land in the map is unoccupied for a long time, and the surrounding tribes can become too large. However, I can't make up city names (or, I could, but that would be strange). What do people normally do in this situation?

    On a side note, when I tried to play the scenario with the AI holding this tribe, he built only the one city. Other AI tribes built several more cities than I had entered names, but the only tribe with 1 city name built only 1 city. Bug, feature, or coincident?

    On the topic of barbarians, why does the editor require 76 tribe names? It seems a bit excessive, and may prove difficult to fulfill

    Also, my map is designed to be flat, but whenever I play it, it turns out round. I've used C3MT to verify that it is not flagged as a round map, but that doesn't seem to matter.

  • #2
    I've decided on another modification in this scenario. If anyone has opinions on the effects of this (especially in terms of the AI), please let me know.

    Because the western tribes are either crammed together in a relatively small area or occupy the frontier to a great jungle in the south, they do not have much land to settle. Still, I want them to build many cities. Therefore, I've set the maximum city size to be 8, which effectively reduces the city's influence to the basic 9 squares of settlement, provided that neighbouring cities is built.

    This is also more realistic, as I haven't found any large cities in the Hyborian Age (any site that attempts to estimate the population of cities has the largest to be in the 100,000 area).

    Even if human player can adapt to this city size, will the AI be able to adapt? Or will he keep building cities at an (almost) optimal distance for a 21 square city?
    Last edited by balchen; December 17, 2003, 07:06.


    • #3
      Another note:

      If you see the attached map (thanks to Gramphos' Minimap utility), you will see that to the south there is a great jungle. This is a sparsely settled area, and to avoid over-population later on in the game through jungle clearing, I have removed the jungle clearing ability of the workers. However, other threads in the forum suggest that when you do this, the AI can't use the worker for... work. Is there another way to prevent this area from becoming heavily cleared and settled?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        If you are using C3C editor, you can see a property of terrain named "Worker Job". The value of this property of jungle is currently "Clean Wetland". Change it to "None" and the problem is solved.


        • #5
          Thanks for the tip, but I'm still using the BIC editor, and haven't upgraded to C3C at all. Can the new editor read the old scenario files? I wouldn't want to re-create the map


          • #6
            Sorry, I didn't realise the same feature was also in the BIC editor. Thanks

