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I like C3C, but...

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  • #16
    Re: I like C3C, but...

    Originally posted by Bonaparte
    ... the palace is gone...
    Just wanted to ask specifically about this - is this true? I haven't noticed it as such.

    ...The aerial view is gone...
    But it isn't. You just don't see the new Wonders.

    Or am I REALLY confused?

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #17
      I mean that in games made with the editer the palace and aerial view are gone as is the space race menu. They aren't gone in a standard unmodified game. Not sure about the scenarios, only played one so far, and I forget if they worked.

      Oh. and in case I didn't mention it why must I, again, for games made with the editer (got the picture I always play edited games), have to enter in my final score manually...that's annoying.
      Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!


      • #18
        Aerial view is still there.

        Palace is still there.

        Building Space Ship is still there (or am I missing your point?).

        UN wonders still allows you to hold elections(and win).

        Maybe some or all of these features have been disabled in some scenarios, but they are still all present in the epic game.


        • #19
          Yes you missed his point. You are correct they still exist in the "epic" game, sans the new wonders.
          It is the conquest and user created scenarios that the aerial and such was omitted.
          I really don't miss it.


          • #20
            I wish they had put those pics in... I know its small in the scale of items that make Civ...but I liked it.
            Haven't been here for ages....


            • #21
              I realize that some of what I am talking about isn't important as far as game play is concerned, but still it did make the game a little more fun.

              As far as the AI (although much better than it was), having to enter in your scores manually for user created games, and the rampant corruption is concerned, well, I hope that is fixed in civ 4 or at least patched.

              Has anyone fooled around with the terrain bonuses...I have and it just wasn't right. I had to lay it all out in Excel just to see what the heck was happening. Anyone else notice that it was weird? It's kind of hard to explain what's going on, but I will if I must or I could just send you the Excel sheet if your really curious.
              Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!


              • #22
                yes it would be nice to have them in. It makes for a more "professinoal" expansion. Sure gameplay is our number 1 concern, but the little touches make the game.

                I still kind of miss the advisors from civ2.


                • #23
                  Thanks for clearing things up. With a modified game or scenario it is not unreasonable to expect modified units, Wonders and/or improvements. With only the Epic game Spaceship parts, Wonders and Improvements having images for the city and spaceship views there, imagine the graphics glitches!

                  Disabling these in altered games seems a perfectly fair decision, in the absence of the sort of amazing customisation that somehow would allow you to input your own graphics for these view screens.

                  One question though - how can you tell how close you are to building the spaceship without the view screen?

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                    One question though - how can you tell how close you are to building the spaceship without the view screen?
                    I recently played a game in which I won a space race victory and there was no way of knowing how much was completed...when the last piece was built "poof" you win a space race victory. To make it worse, in that game, I needed to build 4 extra thusters and 4 extra fuel cells.
                    Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!


                    • #25
                      Is the F10 space ship screen not working in scenarios? I have not played any, so I don't know.


                      • #26

                        look at the civilpedia entry for spaceship in the WW2 Pacific scenario

