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New to Conquests!!

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  • New to Conquests!!

    Hi there,

    I've just received and installed civ3-conquests.
    Could somebody tell me what is the corruption bug and the gpt bug?
    What are the main differences between conquests and ptw in gameplay , strategies etc?

  • #2
    The GPT bug doubles all gold you get from AI civs per turn. It won't show up oneither the F1 screen nor at the bottom of the game screen, but if you check your treasury, the gpt is counted twice. Its not deducted twice from the other civ. So you can see AI's with literally 10k gold wandering around.

    The corruption bug. Its something screwy with city rank, the effect is that building the forbidden palace actually increases corruption in the main palace core. And the Secret police small wonder for Communism either is working improperly or not at all. That's my rudimentary understanding of that bug, but its a pain in the butt.

    Lucky for you the beta patch is coming out next week which fixes this.


    • #3
      If you ignore the gpt annd corruption issues, the main differnece to me, is the cretion of the SGL. You now have a chance to generate a Science Great Leader and only it canbe used to rush a great wonder.
      The addition of the new ancient age wonders, especially Zeus.
      The bombardment from archer types.


      • #4
        Well , regarding the SGL.......
        Has anybody managed to have one?
        (Playing Monarch+)


        • #5
          I get them occassionally on emperor. have to work hard to get a tech lead, and they might come. I ussually see them every other or third game though

          Armies ahve been dramatically improved. bonus attack, dfense, +1move) free pillaging. quite something. They can only rush small wonders now, however.


          • #6
            Originally posted by splogo
            Well , regarding the SGL.......
            Has anybody managed to have one?
            (Playing Monarch+)
            I didn’t see any for a while, but recently playing Monarch I managed to get two fairly close together (20-30 turns or so), and since I was still holding the first I had two identical SLs at the same time.
            "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


            • #7
              Highest level I have come up with so far is Demi, but I have not palyed very far at higher levels. Waiting for the patch.
              Most of them come in industral age or modern.


              • #8
                If you played PTW, then you'll appreciate C3C. The most noticible aspects are the new civs and the Conquest scenarios.

                The corruption 'bug' isn't very bad in your close-to-capital cities. It seems worse in far away cities, but then I think it's always been pretty bad in those. It apparently is even worse if you use RCP (which I can't bring myself to do anyway).

                Gold per Turn: use it while you can!!!! It's not an exploit if the AI can do it too--and they can AND do!

                Bombard now targets Units first. This is kinda nice.

                Edit: I have yet to gain a SGL
                "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.

