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Age of Discovery too Easy?

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  • Age of Discovery too Easy?

    As the Dutch on Monarch on my initial game I have been completely militarily and technologically outclassed but winning by a huge margin just by ferrying treasures back and forth.

    I have not had an opponent declare war, despite my New World holdings being only lightly defended and producing massive amounts of treasure (with most of the troops running around carrying treasure....) and only once or twice had my treasure carracks (I only developed galleons about 25 turns from the end of the game) attacked by Privateers.

    It seems the AI doesn't 'appreciate' Victory Points in its strategy calculations (I noticed a similar phenomenon in the Three Sisters scenario) and won't act aggressively to prevent an opponent accumulating VPs or to get VPs itself in the same way it will act to, for example, dominate or get a tech lead.

    Any others with similar (or contrasting) experiences?

  • #2
    For an experienced (and ruthless) human player this is fairly easy on Monarch as a European civ if you can keep out of war. If an AI starts on you it is a different game as they readily go for alliances and drag the others in and it can be very difficult to stop. The presence of amphibious units can make defending your cities difficult.
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      It is fairly easy which is why I modded the Treasure concept into my own scenario and can randomly generate maps. Still the AI is clueless about the advantages of hauling Treasure for VP and rush cash.


      • #4
        well in my monarch game the other civs did deliver treasure, and did rack up about 20,000 VP points. But they took their time doing so. And made no attempt to stop me when I played the spanish.

        up the difficulty level and see what happens.

