Just so that mod makers should know if they don't already - sea cities are now possible with the Conquest expansion (if they weren't before, that is)! To test this, I did a simple mod that allowed water sqaures city-buildable and gave the curagh the build city ability, plus gave it worker abilites ford roads, irrigation, and mines. It works and all the graphics seem fine!
Ocean squares now yield 1 food and 1 shield. Irrigating, mining, or building a road in any of the water squares gives +1 to the appropriate resource. Whales and oil (at the approprate tech) now also appear in ocean squares as well as where they were before.
Remember, this is purely a qiuck knocked-up test, it's not a balanced mod - it's just to show the possiblities for the future...
Things I've noticed:
To irrigate ocean squares, you have to link from a fresh water square near land, so building in the ocean isn't that easy and would require planning and strategy. In any case, the curagh usually sinks in Ocean squares making it real tough, so in a balanced mod you would discover more stable worker-boats later on of course.
I've also noticed that if you build a city on a coastal square, and then build a land unit, it can be moved onto an adjacent land sqaure but can not be moved back unless you build a boat with a transport ability.
Not sure what would happen or how you would conquer a sea city. In fact, off hand, I can't think of a way to! A boat cannot be used to take over a city but a land unit cannot move into a sea city so...
Ocean squares now yield 1 food and 1 shield. Irrigating, mining, or building a road in any of the water squares gives +1 to the appropriate resource. Whales and oil (at the approprate tech) now also appear in ocean squares as well as where they were before.
Remember, this is purely a qiuck knocked-up test, it's not a balanced mod - it's just to show the possiblities for the future...

Things I've noticed:
To irrigate ocean squares, you have to link from a fresh water square near land, so building in the ocean isn't that easy and would require planning and strategy. In any case, the curagh usually sinks in Ocean squares making it real tough, so in a balanced mod you would discover more stable worker-boats later on of course.
I've also noticed that if you build a city on a coastal square, and then build a land unit, it can be moved onto an adjacent land sqaure but can not be moved back unless you build a boat with a transport ability.
Not sure what would happen or how you would conquer a sea city. In fact, off hand, I can't think of a way to! A boat cannot be used to take over a city but a land unit cannot move into a sea city so...
