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Help needed for India mod

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  • Help needed for India mod

    I have started working on a mod for Ancient India. It begins in the year 1100-1000 BCE and will go till 800 CE. during the beginning timeframe, India's greatest works were being written, and when the Indus valley has long fallen. By 800 CE, India is approaching her golden age. The Gupta Empire is on the verge of collapse and India is about to be invaded by Islamic invaders. Ancient India was a civilization largely ignored by the west although the decimal system, and techniques for stainless steel were both Indian inventions.

    India was blessed with many great advancements in the arts, science, literature, architecture, trade, commerce, and even military technology. She was unfortunately cursed to never have the unity of her neighbors. Many Indian kings fought each other rather than uniting against a common Persian, Greek, Muslim, or European enemy.

    The mod I am making is similar to the Japan mod of C3C. There are many kingdoms or republics. The winner must unite India lest an invader from the west attacks. There are 31 different nations involved in the game from present day India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and even Iran/Persia.

    I need help creating unit stats and finding good units to intergrate into my mod. Please join the Ancient India Mod Project.
    Last edited by civilleader; December 6, 2003, 01:01.

  • #2
    Come on I posted this mod project on Saturday in Apolyton, and I've gotten more views there than in a a month for Apolyton.

