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AI trades cities less

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  • AI trades cities less

    Just observing as I go along...

    In the vanilla-CivIII game, the AI was often
    willing to give up cities in exchange for peace
    and some incentive (like tech or gold), even
    if the threat of war (when renegotiating peace)
    or the war itself didn't hurt it much.

    But NOW, in C3C, it seems every time I try to
    pry a city from it's hands, it just won't go for it.

    Not that I'm complaining, it shouldn't be so easy to
    get cities anyway.

    But here's something strange, in the diplomacy
    stage, when I go to negotiate for peace,
    and I ask for one (or more) of their cities with only
    peace in return, I get my adviser telling me things
    ranging from "we're getting close to a deal here" to
    "they will probably be insulted by this deal".

    These advices used to mean that if I threw enough
    techs and/or gold in, I'd get the deal.

    However, as soon as I add anything to the deal,
    my advisor goes in "they would NEVER accept
    such a deal".

    I even tried offering all my gold, techs, maps and
    CITIES to the AI + peace, and they still
    "would never go for such a deal"

    OTOH, if I've been completely thrashing the AI,
    I can get some cities JUST for peace, but add
    anything else on my side, and it's no-go again.


    "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
    - Spike

  • #2
    Yes they changed it so that AI's will never hand over cities if gold/resources/techs are part of the deal. Only diplomatic deals are valid in the eyes of the AI for surrendering cities.


    • #3
      That was changed a long time ago. The AI haven't been willing to let go of cities for quite some time now. It seems that there was some sort of exploit involved, don't know the details, and Firaxis closed it.


      • #4

        Well, like I said in another thread, I only ever
        played vanilla civIII before starting on conquesty goodness.

        "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
        - Spike


        • #5
          Yes they nuked it, but so far in C3C I have been able to pry cities out of them again. It has worked on Emp/Demi so far. I had stop asking for them for the longest time as it was useless, not it works.


          • #6
            Yes they closed the earlier loophole, but you can get cities in peace deals if you hit them hard enough to warrant it. As in PTW size 1 cities are most likely to be up for grabs, but if you want that nice size 1 city with oodles of luxuries you need to raze it and rebuild, or take it later on.


            • #7
              ...except if you are playing France in the Napoleonic Europe conquest!


              • #8
                Well, I have no probs getting the AI to give me cities in C3C. I just ask nicely, AI says no, I declare war, armies enter the area and take the city. Fill it up with units and rush temple. Armies move to next town...

                Voila - AI gives me all the cities I could want. (One of them even had 4 wonders in it... nice AI.)
                If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
                Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

