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Help..Missing Space Race Menu, etc...

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  • Help..Missing Space Race Menu, etc...

    I had made a scenario and was playing it; however, I noticed that the aerial view was no longer allowed (no longer an option when you right click a city and get the pull down menu and the "eye" icon is missing in the city screen view) and that the menu for the space race doesn't work (the box in the right hand corner of the screen is there, but does nothing when clicked). I at first thought it was my scenario that was messed up, but I didn't change anything to do with the aerial view or the space race menu. So I did a little test...I went into the editor and made no changes other than going to the top bar to change the rules of the game, but without actually making any changes. I then saved this scenario in...Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios along with my other scenario (so when the game is initially turned on you have to go to civ-content to find the scenarios I made). Again, the aerial view and space race screen/menu where not working. So what's up with this??? I have Civ III, Civ Conquests, and the conquests 1.02 patch installed and otherwise everything else seems to work. Is this the way Conquests is supposed to work whick I think would s**k or does this game need another patch or what?
    Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!

  • #2
    Did you restart Conquests and try it again with the same results? Is the 'allow city view' box checked?


    • #3
      Yes, I did restart the game and had the same results. As far as turning the city view on and off where is that option - I do not see it under preferances - is it in the editor? ..and if so where?

      Oh, and another thing ... when I completed the last spaceship component I thought to myself that I wouldn't be able to launch it since the "launch" button is on the space race menu (which is missing), but what happened is that it launched as soon as the last piece was made and I won immediately afterwards...I thought that it took 20 years or so to reach its destination before you could claim a space race victory. So what's up with this?

      I made a bunch of scenarios in the past and everything worked fine, but now that Conquest is installed things just aren't working out. Any help would be appreciated.
      Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!

