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Multiplayer questions

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  • Multiplayer questions

    Im a bit of a n00b, and in a couple of days i'll have another PC where i live.

    We're planning on networking them etc. There are three big civ3 fans that live here, so we will be wanting to play some Civ3 conquests multiplayer games.

    Currently, we have to hot seat the game. Whcih sucks, but it is better than nothing. But with our new computer coming soon, at least we can play over a net work.

    THe thing is, even with two networked computers, there is still three of us that wanna play. So is it possible to have a three player network game, and on one computer have just one person, and on the other, have a hotseat game with two of us?

    ALso, in single player, you can have up to 16 civilizations play. On multiplayer, yiou can only have 8!
    Whats the deal with that? I made a uber-cool map for 12 players, and when we go to play it multipalyer, we can only choose 8, including ourselves.
    It really pisses me off cause i spent ages making that map, and spent a long time making everything even for each player. With 4 civs missing, now the 'evenness' is up ****e creek.

  • #2
    Another thing that has me confused.

    I'm currently playing a hot seat game, and i've just noticed that under that science advisor screen there are a few techs that have red crosses through some of the buildings and units etc that you spose to be able to build once you've discorvered that advance.

    What does it mean, and how can you avoid it, and is it just in hotseat games? (i have hardly played conquests single player)?


    • #3
      1. red crosses means the building is obsolete at that tech. thats not just in hot seat.

      2. 8 player MP limit is hardcoded.

      3. i don't see why you cant just play hotseat on one box, but you could play a PBEM and send it to the other box (quite annoying).
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        Yeah i figured out that red cross thing.

        Why the poo is multiplayer player limit stuck at 8?! Is there a reason?

        I'll tell you why you can't just play hotseat on one puter. It is a big pain in the arse, and it doesn't take much to cheat my looking at what the other players are doing.


        • #5
          It would have been too difficult to address synchronizing issues with more than 8 players I'd imagine. Not to mention annoying as the cultural advisor screen only shows like 8 civs.

          And there is no way to play hotseat on one computer while playing non-hotseat on another and link them together. It's all or nothing. You either play hotseat, direct connect, or pbem.

          look at the bright side. You know that many people that actually want to play a game like civ3. I know no one close to me that wants to- or could play a game like civ3.


          • #6
            poor loserly diss doesn't know enough losers :P
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #7
              the numbers playing civ3 mp doesnt appear to be anywhere near as many playing civ 2 mp... seems a big backward step taken by firaxis ..
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #8
                I have two Conquests MP questions too :

                1. What is the Tournament mode ?
                2. Is the Turnless mode out ?

                Thanks for your answers
                Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                • #9
                  1. Its a standard set of rules to ensure no-one has fiddled with them in MP. Used in tourneys to ensure fairness.

                  2 Yes, and good riddence.
                  Safer worlds through superior firepower


                  • #10
                    I can't remember what turnless mode was.

                    I think I remember playing a turnless mode game against someone online. Or was it simultaneous? What was the difference? can't remember.

                    The game I played had a timer, you had to move all your units before that time ran out, as that ended the turn. It was impossible to move all my units in time, but I still won the game- the other guy dropped out after I took his first city.


                    • #11
                      Well, there some disappointing news. Surely if they can sync 8 players (and why the bug deal on sync... it's a turn based game for poo's sake) they could do 12 or 16....


                      • #12
                        When playing on a larger than usual map, the AI never spreads out its cities. They still cramp all there cities up on one part of the map. There could be a 100 tile radius until the next civ, yet they just bunch up there cities, as if they were running out of room to build.
                        This means cities never use a full 20 squares for resources etc, as most cities will share tiles.

                        ALso, there may be lots of luxury/strategic resources aroung the map, yet the AI never builds cities out to it. Even on emperor, i kick AI arse with out even trying on such size maps.

                        ..... or are my maps TOO big for the AI to handle.... i usually have a 256x256 HUGE map with 12-16 players. Is this just too big for the AI?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dissident
                          I can't remember what turnless mode was.
                          Here is it
                          Attached Files
                          Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                          Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games

