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New role for the UN.

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  • New role for the UN.

    Now that we have buildings that create units, it's now possible to have Peacekeeper units, spawned by the UN. I've created an Infantry type unit with a defence of 12 and an attack of 1. I've also given it the enslave ability and created another unit called a Refugee that will be created if it wins on an attack. The Refugee is just another version of a "slave" worker.

  • #2
    Too strong. Just look at how succesful UN missions have been


    • #3
      @Willem -- I like the idea, although I both agree and disagree with Echthelion -- I think the defense is too strong, but more HP might not be inappropriate -- unless your thought is that a strong defense will discourage attack, thereby simulating the moral authority etc. of the UN?

      -- BTW, I've begun experimenting with limiting the power of the UN (re: victory) per se by requiring several precursor Small Wonders -- Geneva Convention Signatory; League Of Nations Member; etc. The UN then in turn becomes a requirement for such as the Kyoto Accords.


      ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


      • #4
        I'm afraid it won't be possible to have anything good out of it if it's going to reflect real UN troops. If they are too powerful, they will be used as defence in the civ's city (a human player can control this though). If they are too weak or not über-powerful at all, they will be attacked. And talking real life, if any government had launched a massive assault against UN-units today, it would not look good for that government...

        But your thoughts are interesting... The problem is to make it difficult for the AI to attack those units. They must not belong to you and should not be stationed in a city...


        • #5
          Another possibility is make it a Hidden Nationality with 0 defence and attack, plus radar and an AI strategy of Explore. I'm not sure if it's been fixed or not, but 0 units with no nationality used to be invulnernable to attack. In fact I've seen enemy units share the same space with one. But that would eliminate any possibilty of creating the Refugee units, which I kind of like.


          • #6
            No need for it to make units, just have it allow an enforce peace vote once every so often. All parties will have to return their troops to their borders and can not declare for for x turns.


            • #7
              Originally posted by vmxa1
              No need for it to make units, just have it allow an enforce peace vote once every so often. All parties will have to return their troops to their borders and can not declare for for x turns.
              Is that really possible?


              • #8
                Originally posted by vmxa1
                No need for it to make units, just have it allow an enforce peace vote once every so often. All parties will have to return their troops to their borders and can not declare for for x turns.
                Nice idea, but it simply isn't possible to do that. Creating units is though.

