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Questions about Modern Units

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  • Questions about Modern Units

    I got to build modern units for the first time but have a couple questions about them:

    1) Do Mobile SAMs work automatically? Do they work if they are fortified or do they have to be "active". (Actually, I was wondering about this for all units, such as artillery.)

    2) Is there an option to turn off nukes?

    3) What does 0 range bombard mean?

    4) Can all bombard units destroy targets or only drop them to 1HP?

    5) Is it correct that settlers and artillery can't be airlifted?

    6) What do those radar things the AI builds do?
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    1) don't know, not had an AI bombing mission yet

    2) no (maybe editing Manhattan and removing the allows nuclear weapons tag would mean nukes couldn't be built)

    3) The unit gets a free shot at a unit attacking it (or the stack it is in)

    4) Depends on whether they have lethal land (or sea) bombardment enabled - you'll have to check in the editor for each type of unit

    5) yes - again this can be changed in the editor

    6) Friendly units within 2 tiles radius of a radar tower get a 25% boost to their attack and defence IIRC
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • #3
      Re: Questions about Modern Units

      Originally posted by mimi

      "1) Do Mobile SAMs work automatically? Do they work if they are fortified or do they have to be active. (Actually, I was wondering about this for all units, such as artillery.)"

      I am pretty sure I had one shot down a bomber while fortified and it was automatic.

      "2) Is there an option to turn off nukes?"
      Not that I have seen.

      "5) Is it correct that settlers and artillery can't be airlifted?"

      Yes they cannot be airlifted via airports.

      "6) What do those radar things the AI builds do?"

      I uess you are talking about radar towers. They are to boost defenses. IMO they are just a waste of a worker.


      • #4
        2) Is there an option to turn off nukes?

        No, but you could edit the unit to make it ineffective.


        • #5
          or just conquer the world before anyone has any

