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SCENARIO: New Conquest - Conquistadors (Mexico, Peru and the Search for Eldorado)

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  • SCENARIO: New Conquest - Conquistadors (Mexico, Peru and the Search for Eldorado)

    This new Conquest was formerly a scenario for PTW, but has been significantly upgraded. You play Spain during the reign of Charles V, and your mission is conquer Mexico, Peru and El Dorado (which you must first find!)

    There are 6 civilizations: Spain, the Aztecs, the Totonacs, the Tlascalans, the Incas and Eldorado.

    To win, you must conquer these civilizations.

    For the sake of gameplay, there are no rival Europeans in the scenario. All of the units you start with have period names. The scenario in general is accurate, but priority goes to fun and playability.

    There are two major fictional inclusions: An Aztec god and the El Dorado civilization.

    [More information is in the readme below]
    Last edited by Calgacus II; November 29, 2003, 15:19.

  • #2

    Download Part One

    Download Part Two

    NB: Unzip to either the Conquests Scenarios folder or the Conquests conquests folder.

    C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios


    C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Conquests

    If you have Play the World, but not Conquests, you can get the older version below:

    Click Here to See or to Get the Older PTW Version

    Last edited by Calgacus II; November 29, 2003, 16:52.


    • #3

      More Screenshots:

      Mexico Captured!

      Machu Picchu captured

      El Dorado Found:

      Last edited by Calgacus II; December 4, 2003, 16:52.


      • #4
        INFORMATION (from the Readme)


        Play as the Empire of Charles V, the Kingdom of Spain, and conquer Mexico and Peru, with the help of the valiant conquistadors Francisco de Orellana, Francesco Pizarro, Diego de Almagro and Hernán Cortés. Then, find the legendary El Dorado.
        The towns of Vera Cruz and San Miguel de Perua will be your bases for action against the Aztecs and the Incans. You can use the units in Panama and the caravels to find and conquer El Dorado. You also have use of cities in the Canary Islands and Santiago de Cuba. You have cattle in the Canaries, so you may build settlers there.

        The starting location for El Dorado is set randomly, so you may get lucky and find it quickly; however, you might never find it at all.

        The game lasts 138 turns. The first 72 turns take place between the years 1519-1525, next 16 1525-31, next 18 turns for the years 1531-1540, the next 12 turns for 1540-1546, the next 16 for 1546-1554, and the final 4 turns cover the years 1554-1556.
        The scenario makes use of many of the new multi-units in order to simulate the outnumber-ness that the Spaniards experience. Credit, where known, is given below.

        Unzip to either the Conquests Scenarios folder or the Conquests conquests folder.
        In case you don’t know where these are:
        C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios
        C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Conquests


        Empire of Charles V (replacing the Netherlands): That’s you, the Spanish. In the writings of the Conquistador historians, like Bernal Diaz, the Conquistadors usually refer to their lord as “the Emperor”, because the Spanish king of the time was Carlos I, (aka Karl V), who also ruled the Holy Roman Empire.

        Army Survey :

        Canary Islands –

        6 workers (Negro Slaves)
        1 Caravel (Pedro de Mendoza)
        1 Monk (Hernando de Luque)

        Santiago de Cuba –

        1 Bismark (Diego Velásquez.)
        1 Medieval Infantry (Andres de Tapia)
        1 Siege Cannon (Sebastián de Benalcázar)

        2 Negro Slaves

        Panama City -

        1 Army (El Dorado Expedition)
        1 Monks (Friar Carvajal)
        1 Conquistador (Francisco de Orellana)
        1 Musketman (Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes)
        1 Crossbowman (Pedro Arias de Avila)
        1 Siege Cannon (Pascual de Andagoya)

        Vera Cruz –

        3 Bowman (Indian Allies)
        2 Siege Cannons (Gonzalo Dominguez & Bernal Diaz)
        1 Army (Cortéz’s Conquistador)
        1 Conquistador (Hernán Cortés)
        1 Crossbowmen (Cristobal de Olid)
        1 Medieval Infantry (Gonzalo de Sandoval)
        1 Monk (Francisco Lopez de Gomara)
        1 Musketman (Francisco de Montejo)

        1 Negro Slave

        San Miguel de Perua –

        1 Armies (Pizarro’s Conquistadors)
        2 Conquistadors (Francesco Pizarro & Diego de Almagro)
        2 Siege Cannons (Alonso de Alvarado & Pedro Álvarez Holguin)
        2 Musketeers (Sebastián de Benalcázar & Pedro de Puelles)
        1 Crossbowmen (Vaca de Castro)

        1 Medieval Infantry (Bartolomé Ruiz)

        1 Negro Slave

        OTHER –

        6 Caravels (Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, Francisco Hernandez, Juan de Grijalva, Hernández de Córdoba, Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano)
        2 Negro Slaves
        1 Quetzalcoatl

        Aztecs : That’s your primary Mexican target. The Aztecs believed themselves to be doomed by a God named Quetzacoatl, a bearded white God from the West who would come back from the West to conquer them, just about the time Cortez arrived. . As a result, they Aztecs were not very tenacious, as they believed that they were already doomed. You will have his assistance during the scenario (See Below)

        10 Workers
        5 Warriors
        5 Jaguar Warriors (including Chuatamoc)
        3 Bowmen
        1 Army

        Tlaxcala : In real life, Tlaxcala turned out to be your ally. They were a strong city-state to the south of Tenochtitlán, and today they are remembered as the “traitors of Mexico.” However, because of the absence of locked alliances for the editor, you will have to deal with them in some way. You can either by-pass them and move north to Tenochtitlán, or take their city and use it as a base.

        10 Warrior, Bowman and Jaguar Units altogether
        Totonacs: Cortez’ first “conquest”. You will not find it difficult to conquer this civ. Try attacking on your 2nd turn.
        1 unit

        Inca: You are not as well prepared to conquer the Inca as you are to conquer the Aztecs. Your war against them should take you a very long time. Although they are quite weak from a previous civil war, they are, as a result, highly militarised, although their units are not very strong. The Inca state was one of the largest states in the world at the time; conquest of them will not be quick, especially of the city of Machu Picchu, a city you will need to locate first.

        30 Units, including 3 Armies

        El Dorado; This enigmatic, probably fictional civilization, will not be easy to locate. Besides the conquest of the 4 civs above, you will need to find that mysterious city and acquire its fabulous wealth. El Dorado may lie somewhere in the South American jungle, or it may lie somewhere in the Pacific. You’ll need to have your monks, conquistadors and caravel searching for it.


        One thing to note about the terrain, is that mountains are impassable. This allows a level of seclusion for certain places, and makes for more interesting military strategy!

        Resources perform an important function in the scenario. They are used so as to allow certain cities to produce units that other can’t. With UUs, the units are civ specific. With this use of terrain, units are area specific. Here are the notes for resources:

        Fur: This resource is needed to produce Indian Bowmen. Both the Aztecs and the Incas have access to it, so do the Tlaxcalans – you don’t! You’ll need to take it for yourself.

        Wheat: Needed for jaguar warrior. Only the Aztecs have access to it. Again, you’ll need to acquire it for yourself by conquest, if you want to produce those units.

        Gold: You’ll need gold to produce more conquistadors. Gold has been placed in Tenochtitlán, Cuzco and the Canary Islands. In the Canary Islands, you’ll have to use your Negro Slaves to connect the gold with a road. For the other two, you’ll need to conquer!

        Horses: These are placed near to the Gold, There is also one horse colony in Haiti,

        Iron: Iron is needed for your siege cannon and medieval infantry. You’ll find it in Cuba and the Canaries. There are also additional sources near Panama City, and in Peru, near the location that you should build the city of Lima .

        Saltpeter: Available only in the Canary Islands. One other source in the Peru region, however, also exists.

        Cattle: Available only in the Canary Islands. Needed to construct settlers.



        Cost = 10 ( + pop 2)
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 1
        Resource = Cattle
        Special Abilities = Founds Cities
        CIVS: Spain, Inca, El Dorado – if you chose to exchange cattle that is.


        Cost = 5 (+ pop 1)
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 0
        Defence = 0
        Resource = NONE
        Special Abilities = Worker Jobs
        NB: these do not require support
        NB2: Mines take 20 turns; irrigation 16


        Cost = 3
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 2
        Defence = 1
        Resource = NONE
        Special Abilities = Foot Unit
        NB: The graphics for this is a multi-figured Indian War band (See below)
        NB2: These do not require support


        Cost = 10
        Moves = 0
        Attack = 2
        Defence = 3
        Resource = NONE
        CIVS: El Dorado


        Cost = 6
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 3
        Resource = Iron
        CIVS: Spain


        Cost = 16
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 4
        Defence = 5
        Resource = Saltpeter
        Civs: Spain


        Cost = 3
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 1
        Resource = NONE
        Bombard: Str = 1 Rng = 1
        CIVS: Aztecs


        Cost = 10
        Moves = 2
        Attack = 2
        Defence = 2
        Bombard: Str = 2 Rng 1

        Resource = Iron
        CIVS: Spain

        Jaguar Warrior:

        Cost = 8
        Moves = 2
        Attack = 3
        Defence = 3
        Resource = Wheat
        CIVS: All
        NB: Graphics change to multi-figure unit


        Cost = 4
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 2
        Defence = 3
        Resource = Furs
        CIVS: All
        NB: Graphics changed to multi-figure unit


        Cost = 25
        Moves = 2
        Attack = 8
        Defence = 6
        Resource = Gold, Horses
        CIVS: Spain

        Medieval Infantry

        Cost = 10
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 4
        Defence = 4
        Resource = Iron
        CIVS: Spain


        Cost = Unbuildable
        Moves = 2
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 7
        Resource = n/a
        CIVS: Spain
        NB; Unit renamed: Diego Velásquez.
        This was the original organizer of the Conquests. He is the game for fun.. He can’t move out of Cuba, but he does have a high defence and makes your American capital virtually impregnable.


        Cost = Unbuildable
        Moves = 0
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 1
        Resource = n/a
        Bombard = Str = 5 Rng = 8 RoF = 2
        CIVS: Spain
        Special Abilities = Invisible, Hidden Nationality
        NB; Unit renamed: Quetzalcoatl, an Aztec God whom the Aztecs thought to be against them in favor of the Spaniards. He is inaccessible, unmovable and you can use him to inflict damage on Tenochtitlán.


        Cost = 10
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 1
        Defence = 2
        Resource = NONE
        CIVS: Spain
        Special Abilities = Invisible, Hidden Nationality, All Terrain as Roads; does not require support


        Cost = 12
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 5
        Defence = 2
        CIVS: Spain

        Siege Cannon

        Cost = 20
        Moves = 1
        Attack = 0
        Defence = 0
        Resource = Iron, Saltpeter
        Bombard = Str = 10 Rng = 1 RoF = 1
        CIVS: Spain


        Spain starts with a late medieval technology level; everyone else starts in ancient era.

        Minimum Research time = 40 turns
        Maximum Research Time = 300 turns


        Cost of heroic epic changed from 20 to 15!

        The Map Making tech should not allow you to exchange maps.

        Many of the wonders have been distributed; many remain to be built, although that would really be a waste of resource since that is not the purpose of this scenario. You will be able to build the Pentagon wonder.
        Road movement is 2.

        Golden Age lasts 72 turns

        (to my knowledge these are correct. I apologize if I am wrong):

        thomson_2001 - for his map, which I edited for this scenario.
        The Last Conformist for testing
        Metacomet for suggestions

        Monk - Kindred72
        Bowmen Multi-Unit – DK???
        Jaguar Multi-Unit Warriors – JimmyH/ los_krachos ???
        Crossbowmen - Dark Sheer
        Siege Cannon = Horse Drawn cannon – Lab Monkey
        Warrior = Iroquois Multi-Unit Warrior - utahjazz7/ xfreak4x for the logo!

        Last edited by Calgacus II; December 8, 2003, 04:20.


        • #5


          Tenochtitlán. Capital of the Aztecs. Some historians believe it was one of the world's biggest cities at the time:


          The god Quetzalcoatl:

          Last edited by Calgacus II; November 29, 2003, 16:49.


          • #6

            First meeting between Pizarro and Atahualpa:


            The Conquistadors didn't get here. It was too remote, but it's in the game:

            Machu Picchu


            The mad Aguirre (der Zorn Gottes), sails down the Amazon in search of El Dorado. He doesn't find it, but goes mad in his search.


            • #7
              Well, people are downloading it...but no-one's talking.


              • #8
                well you do have one "5" vote in your Directory entry
                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                • #9
                  I got an e-mail from someone who didn't get the BIQ and couldnt get it to work. The scenario will definitely work...I tested it again myself (had a great game ).
                  YOU MUST DOWNLOAD BOTH PARTS. The BIQ and other crucial files are in part two. If it weren't for the file-size limit, there wouldnt be two parts...but C'est la Vie!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Calgacus II
                    I got an e-mail from someone who didn't get the BIQ and couldnt get it to work. The scenario will definitely work...I tested it again myself (had a great game ).
                    YOU MUST DOWNLOAD BOTH PARTS. The BIQ and other crucial files are in part two. If it weren't for the file-size limit, there wouldnt be two parts...but C'est la Vie!
                    I had the same problem. I think that the problem is with the link on the downloads/scenarios page. It is only linking to the part one file.


                    • #11
                      Both parts should be easily accessible.

                      When you go into the directory, to Civ 3 Scenarios and see this scenario, it says "Visit/Download now"

                      - don't just click on this part. Click on either the title or the "discuss" link, and you will in both cases reach a page where both part one AND two are immediately accessible.

                      The scenario simply won't work with only one part
                      Last edited by Calgacus II; March 6, 2004, 00:25.

