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First good game

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  • First good game

    This weekend I started many conquests games. All were just too tedious to continue. But then, Sunday, I started a game as the dutch (everything set to random) and it's been pretty cool. It must be continents 'cause there are only 3 of us on my landmass but I can't get anywhere else in a galley, yet. Well, I haven't been able to try, really, 'cause, as usual, I am AT WAR all the time.

    I'm between Korea and Mongols and the mongols decided to declare war 'cause I woudn't give them 100gp (I had 7 towns when they declared and 4 units per town so I'm pretty sure my military wasn't weak - and I had already traded all my tech).

    I recruited Korea for 500g and a rop and we've all been at war for the ENTIRE game so far - a full era by now. I haven't gained a single bit of territory either. I sent a sword army in to Mongolia and it's busy digging up irrigation and capturing workers (does AI not know that army of swordman have 2 moves?).

    I actually got a second MGL but am not sure what to do with it? Another army? Perhaps a UU army would make a nice land ripper-upper? But, then again, if I ever get another town or two, I'd like a fast FP.

    This is my first game that I moved to republic instead of monarchy but there has been no WW so I'm not sure what triggers it? I can't switch out 'cause several turns of anarchy would mean I'm overrun. If it wasn't for Korea (who, bless their hearts, don't even have iron) I'd have lost by now. (No, I don't trade resources, even with allies. The AI never gives me bumpkiss so I won't give them any either. Let them lose warriors on MI... what do I care?)

    I'm thinking I'm just gonna stock my towns with UU (defense of 4 I think) and just keep it at war until I find the other continent. What do I care if the Mongols keep chucking themselves at me? Most of my towns were intentionally built on hills and all have walls so perhaps I can hold out until calvary ('cept they don't have horsies... hehehehehehehheheheh).
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    Re: First good game

    Originally posted by mimi
    This is my first game that I moved to republic instead of monarchy but there has been no WW so I'm not sure what triggers it?
    Maybe you have a lot of luxury items. Do you also have you luxury slider set above zero? In the past I've been able to wage protracted wars under republic because I had access to many luxuries (4+) and set the luxury slider to at least 1.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.


    • #3
      no marshes this time, eh, mimi?
      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


      • #4
        HAH... that's why it's a non-tedious game. No marshes on my landmass. I'm pretty sure that the other continent will be covered with them but...

        All I've had to do this game is build roads and defensive units... lots of cows too, for some reason. And half my towns are built on a river so that's pretty cool...

        I have one spice, two iron and one horsey. I'm not trading with anyone and I haven't moved my lux slider which is why I can't figure out why I don't have WW after being at war for so long. Does WW only come into effect when I go to their lands? Perhaps that's it... I can't get enough units built to make an invasion effective (too long a walk to get to a near city - 10 tiles or more and they've pillaged all my roads along the edge of my lands. By the time I get to their cities, they picked off too many of my units to make it worthwhile attacking.) So I'm switching to defensive units only and will wait for them. I'll keep enlisting Korea to help me and meanwhile I'll send ships out to find the new land...
        If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
        Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.


        • #5
          I am unsure of the onset of WW when at war and not actively in combat, but I know WW kicks in BIGtime when you attack units of your enemies or if you have units of your own in enemy terrain.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            Yup... I spoke too soon. I had sent my sword army in to pick on their iron supply and all was hunky dory until, very suddenly, everyone was unhappy. Over a 2 turn span it went from no WW to 33% wanted to give peace a chance.

            Sucks, really. If I had stuck to my usual despot-monarchy-demo path, I could've stayed at war but I had to make peace 'cause I can't get anything done with all that rioting.

            The suckiest part was that I had used my second MGL to build another army, took two towns with my two armies and then had to declare peace to end WW... next turn I can build the FP but no more MGL to use... sucky.
            If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
            Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.


            • #7
              Not sucky IMHO, this is how WW is supposed to work.
              I usually switch to Republic or Democracy when I can (meaning having enough money and luxuries, marketplaces, cathedrals, etc.). Under these governments you are much more productive, which means you can afford a war, even if WW kicks in after a while. Just plan your wars carefully and make peace from time to time.

