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Fall of Rome barb strategy question

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  • Fall of Rome barb strategy question

    When playing the huns, what is the best strategy? They start in an ideal place for settlement. Is it better to settle there and then crank out settlers to settle in the wake of your destruction of the ostrogoths or just move all of the horsemen and settlers that you start with westward and settle in the ruins of the ostrogoths as you destroy them?

  • #2
    I'll bump this, mabye others have more ideas. I'm by no means an expert at this scenario- I finally beat it last night.

    I say a mix between the two. Maybe creat a long line of cities. Granted, that would make the empire harder to defend. but your main threat (aside from the ostrigoths) would be the sassinids. If you set up a defensive line in the caucasus mountains you should be okay. But I'm not sure how prime land they start of with. If you see some great land, no sense passing it up.


    • #3
      As Huns, I'd say for the starting nomads, only one city furthest SE : Grassland next to hills, rest of them along rivers [except for one adjecent to the Iron]

      Additional settlers if you build them maybe for a spare furs up north but mostly for additional rivers; especally block out the Orto from trying to place cities that would block your route to Persia and Eastern Rome so you don't have to sign a RoP with them.
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

