Hi, I recently picked up C3C and have been playing an Epic game as the Ottomans on Emperor level. I am in the Middle Ages now as a Republic, ranked #1, but behind in Science. The game seems much different from Civ III, though I hadn't played that in awhile so my memory may be faulty.
Anyways, I know the AI 'cheats', always has, but this 'stealing' Wonders right before I can build them is getting annoying. At the current stage in my game I was building the Adam Smith Trading Company and have almost completed it when I get the pop-up saying the Spanish are starting it also, then not 3-4 turns later they have completed it!! Is there any way I can rush a Wonder without a SGL? I have tried disbanding units but that doesn't seem to work.
Another observation is the obscene levels of corruption in my empire. Ouch!
Earlier when my borders seemed solidified I had moved my Palace and built the FP, however after a long protracted war with the Celts and then the Arabs, my empire grew considerably. Now I am wondering again if it is 'worth' it to move the Palace once more?
I am including a save file for the more experienced players, or anyone for that matter
, and would welcome their comments, positive or negative. I am more inclined now to focus on building/researching and not fighting anymore wars, even though the Arabs would be a prime choice right now. What do others think?
Anyways, I know the AI 'cheats', always has, but this 'stealing' Wonders right before I can build them is getting annoying. At the current stage in my game I was building the Adam Smith Trading Company and have almost completed it when I get the pop-up saying the Spanish are starting it also, then not 3-4 turns later they have completed it!! Is there any way I can rush a Wonder without a SGL? I have tried disbanding units but that doesn't seem to work.
Another observation is the obscene levels of corruption in my empire. Ouch!

I am including a save file for the more experienced players, or anyone for that matter
