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Skipping to Next Unit after Move <-- can this be changed?

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  • Skipping to Next Unit after Move <-- can this be changed?

    I was wondering if there is a way to stop from autocycling from a unit after it has been given a "go-to" command or an attack order. I like to send workers with the "go-to" command and still have the worker selected. And, I would like to see the combats.

    Any .ini settings or preferences allow this behavior?

  • #2
    Whenever I use the goto command the unit stays selected, unless moving has used up its movement points. AFAIK, there's no way to select units with no movement points left.

    There is an "Animate battles" checkbox in the preferences menu somewhere. That would probably solve the other part of your question.


    • #3
      Humm, when I give a go to command and the moves are not used up and the move is more than one square (as on a rail), the next unit is selected, even though the original unit has not finished its move (nor expended any movement points)


      • #4
        I don't seem to have this problem. I use goto all the time and I just tested it again.

        If it helps, this is in my conquests.ini:


        • #5
          have you tried using the "go-go" command instead??
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Humm - doesn't happen in single player

            In single player, when I "go-to", the unit remains selected -- not the case in multiplayer. I wonder if this a multi-player bug -- errr "feature", yeah, that's it.


            • #7
              Re: Humm - doesn't happen in single player

              Originally posted by Scippio
              In single player, when I "go-to", the unit remains selected -- not the case in multiplayer. I wonder if this a multi-player bug -- errr "feature", yeah, that's it.
              I seem to recall that they fixed this behavior in SP for PTW (or was it even back in Vanilla civ...) . In multi (at least on my lan games) this problem has been around since the beginning. It would be nice if it were fixed. (I'd say it is one of the most annoying of the multiplayer bugs for me.)
              We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... T. Jefferson "The Declaration of Independence"

