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Map Request for C3:C

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  • Map Request for C3:C

    I want to start a PBEM with Conquests but I will need a custom map for the sort of game I want to play. I want to encourage trading and peaceful competition among the players so I need a map where resources and luxuries are plentiful but with each one concentrated in one (or two) area of the map. So, for example, one player might have 6 or 7 sources of wines but no iron. Someone else would have lots of iron but no stone, and so on.
    I want to have a 6 player game so I would need 6 starting locations on a standard map. Starting locations should be fair but it would be nice if each area had advantages and disadvantages. I would want continents with about 70% ocean for the people who want to try a seafaring civ. The rest is up to the the person who makes the map. Be creative!
    Any takers?
    Formerly known as Masuro.
    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.

  • #2
    I want to be the player with iron. That way I could just take the rest of the resources.

    Since you know what you want, why not have a go at it yourself? Map editing is fairly easy as long as you aren't trying to duplicate a real world location (and aren't trying to change the rules).

    (Unless, of course, you also want to be surprised by the results).
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #3
      I could make the map myself but I want to be in the game as well. I suppose I could make the map and show it to everyone before the game began.
      Formerly known as Masuro.
      The sun never sets on a PBEM game.

