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resources and diplomacy

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  • resources and diplomacy

    Gave my copy of civ 3 to my brother a while back mistake as I always find I will reinstall the game. ANy way I pick it up again along with conquests.

    I take it its not just me but resources are somewhat scarce and I tend to like it.

    My first game as the vikings was great. Had a nice little empire going curshed the babylonian threat so my only option was now germany or the celts. I decided to go peace full scouted out and soon found the chinese, greek arabs. Any way needed saltpeter did not have it. The germans had it but it was deep in the territort. Then I noticed on the russian coast salt peter. Well a boat load of Bezerkers and I was off and captured the city and the resource. But home base was a little unprotected.

    Then I needed coal did not have that the chinese did though so loaded up some more boars with bezerkers and took a coastal chinese town. Now the majority of my troops where 9 turns across the ocean. When low and behold the my buddies the germans attack me with a barrage of horse soldiers.

    I should of just attacked the germans in the begining instead of spreading my forces thin

    But anyway my question. I had no bad dealings with the germnas why would they attack are certain cultures predispotioned for war and treachery?

  • #2
    I have not got Conquests yet but people are saying the AI is more aggressive than PTW. If as you said your forces were many turns away overseas then why wouldnt the Germans attack ? seems to me like the perfect opportunity while you are weak.

    Put it another way, if roles were reversed what would you do in Germany's posistion ?
    A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


    • #3
      Yes some leaders are more aggressive and Bismark is nearly always unfriendly. If the AI see you as weak, that is all it needs to launch either a demand or an attack.

