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Age of Discovery BUG

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  • Age of Discovery BUG

    While I was browsing the scenarios in the editor I noticed that in Age of Discovery scenario Javelin Thrower has no AI strategy selected at all.

    It would lead AI to not build new Throwers and to completly ignore those already built.

    On the other hand, Missionray unit has no AI flag selected too, nor has Load flag, nor Capture flag which are usualy selected for all combat units (and are, in fact, required in order to select any AI strategies).

    BA, please fix this.

  • #2


    • #3
      Thanks for the tip, folks. We have addressed this and made sure it will be included in a future update.
      BreakAway Games
      Producer, Civ 3: Conquests


      • #4
        so that means a Patch is coming up! whee!
        Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


        • #5
          Not really a bug, but something annoying in AoD: Lisboa will always expand in culture, so the road from Madrid to Seville gets cut. blah, that's not fine.
          "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
          "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


          • #6
            I wonder how this "bug" will effect our Multiplayer PBEM game, if at all....
            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


            • #7
              yes I played as spain. I immediatel built roads on the hills and mined them anyways. so the road getting cut wasn't too big a deal (aside from losing squares to work). you have to mine those hills to get some decent production.

              As for the javellin throwers, I did notice several of them withing the chicken city. They didn't seem to move them outside the city. My conquistadores made short work of them.


              • #8
                so has there been a nice patch anounced yet?

