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  • #16
    Something that I've noticed about Naval Bombardment: If you bombard a city with any naval units inside, your ships always hit (assuming that it IS actually a hit) ships first. If you want to wear-down the defenders hit points using ships, you must first redline any ships that are within the city, then you may start wearing down any land-based defenders.

    A possible strategy to use if the AI is bombarding your town w/ ships, build a ship of your own (preferably in a city w/ a harbor) to 'catch' the bombs. That way your land units won't suffer from naval bombard. So far, ships don't seem to have 'Leathal enabled' so your ship will get redlined, then (if you have a harbor) will be fully healed next turn (like land units fortified in a city w/ a Barracks.)
    "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Willem

      You can also destroy land units IIRC.
      Right on!

      I love it when my bombers blow away a tank column. Very satisfying. This is one addition I'm really enjoying - air units are very useful now!

      As far as artillery...maybe once in awhile, one little AI cannon will poke out, shoot and run away. I more often see the AI artillery when going around enemy cities or units (a la blitzkreig) and they shoot then. I would agree the AI doesn't understand how to use the artillery.
      Last edited by Shogun Gunner; November 26, 2003, 12:20.
      Haven't been here for ages....


      • #18
        OK, here's a list (taken from settings viewed in the editor) of units that have lethal Sea Bombardment

        Jet Fighter
        Stealth Fighter
        Stealth Bomber
        Cruise Missile

        and that have lethal land bombardment

        Stealth Fighter
        Stealth Bomber
        Cruise Missile

        Interesting how it gives the Byzantines and especially Koreans a GA-capable UU. Also to note, the Dromon has a ROF of 2, so you can kill another ship without even realising it! This is exactly what started my GA when I bombarded a Galley for the second time, when it had 2hp left - I killed it!

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

