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  • Mesopotamia

    I did a search, don't see a thread on this scenario.

    I'd like to talk about all the scenarios, so if no one else makes threads about the other ones, I probably will when I finish them. I like scenarios, that's why I bought this game. I'm actually kind of bored of the epic game . But these scenarios are short and sweet.

    This scenario took me over 3 hours. A pretty good time. Not too long, not too short. Though I might have liked a little more time. I was playing on a fairly easy difficulty level. That may have made this scenario too easy. I built all 7 wonders myself! I played Mycanae (greece). A fairly good starting position. Though I have not seen the map, I wasn't sure how good the mainland would be. But the rivers helped me out. I put almost all of my cities on the rivers.

    Some thoughts about the other civs.

    Egypt needs more fertile land. Back in those days the desert wasn't as big as it is now. They had a little more plains type land. There are too many desert squares right adjacent to the Nile river. I suggest making them plains or maybe grassland.

    The civ who starts where Persia would be (can't remember name) is fairly isolated, and really has little chance of winning. There isn't much to do here to help them out. It wouldn't be right to shift their starting position. Maybe give them an extra settler at the start to give them a boost.

    The ai did not declare war on me. They probably should have. But I built a city right accross where Istanbul would be (on the Europe side) very early. They couldn't have done anything to me, but the war weariness would have slowed me down.

    The ai did make several mutual protection acts and right of passages with each other. They offerred many to me, but I turned all of them down. As far as I can tell, the ai did not wage war on each other. Considering you can get points from conquest, I think they should have attacked. Ai aggressiveness was set at normal.

    Worker camps are almost too powerful. Though without them, I'm not sure you could possibly build all 7 wonders before time runs out. And I went for navigation early (mainly because I settled the islands and I needed a navy), so I finished the 7th wonder fairly early. I did not see any of the techs in the 3rd age, and missed a few in the 2nd age when the game ended. Did not have time to build many city improvements. Not a big complaint, just pointing that out.

    Next time I will play a hard difficulty level and play as a civ in the middle. It will be much harder to defend my nation, and I will have to devote more resources towards defense.

    All in all, I liked this scenario. I won't rate it or anything. I'd have to play the other scenarios for more comparison. It offers a good replay value, as there are several civs to choose from, and aside from the Persians (they aren't called that- can't remember name), most have a decent shot at winning. Though Egypt would have to be real aggressive. Though a human playing as the Persians should fare better. They just have to place greater emphasis on getting contact with other nations to catch up in tech.

  • #2
    Re: Mesopotamia

    Originally posted by Dissident
    Egypt needs more fertile land. Back in those days the desert wasn't as big as it is now. They had a little more plains type land. There are too many desert squares right adjacent to the Nile river. I suggest making them plains or maybe grassland.
    Desert tiles adjacent to rivers automatically become flood plains and produce a ton of food, so this isn't an issue. In ancient egypt, the fertile land really did only extend for a few miles in either direction from the Nile.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #3
      Search harder:

      The Mesopotamia thread
      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #4
        ...and Egypt is AGR/IND in this scenario, so Desert=Plains anyway.

        And Medes...well, to make the scenario interesting, some Civs need to be harder. And Medes is a little more difficult, but doable - they aren't really isolated, unlike Egypt or Mycene, have a good UU, and EXP really helps early on. Their problem is the lack of nearby resources, and they are the only Civ without any good coastal spot; even Babylon is better here, if they reach the Phoenician coast, those cities are darn productive.

        IMHO, Babylon & Mycene & Hittites are the easy Civs, each with a different focus (Growth/ Production/ Military),
        Medes & Sumeria & Phoenicia the interesting ones, and Egypt a problem: anything above Monarch, the disease and uprisings will kill you (or at least the fun ). Regent, or below, win without ever meeting someone.


        • #5
          well I must protest about the search feature then. I put mesopotamia in the search feature and turned up nothing.

          and yes those are flood plains. I did not look close enough. I did not concern myself with Egypt as they were so far way. Though they did end up 2nd by the end, but they had a slow start.


          • #6
            Now is there a early Rome thread?

            I'm playing as Rome. They have super units. Unstoppable really. But they are slow infantry units. And moving all those units around is taking a long time. I'm still not done with that scenario.

            And I don't think I'll be able to get 20% of the land. My units just aren't fast enough. And the Greeks (or whatever they are called) are just a pain in the ass. For some reason they were tearing me up with what seemed like an infinite supply of those hoplites.


            • #7
              Rise of Rome thread....

              "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
              "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
              "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer

