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stealth problems

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  • stealth problems

    Stealth doesn't work properly with the new anti-air units. They are able to shoot down stealth fighters and bombers just like other planes.

  • #2
    Do they shoot them down as often?


    • #3
      Yes, once you equalize their stats. The unedited stats give stealth fighters and bombers increased defense scores, which means they tend to shoot down other planes when they get intercepted (ie 5% of the time). But they're getting hit by antiaircraft just as often as the other planes, which kind of reduces their value.


      • #4
        I asked this question twice in the Release Party chat and was ignored (re: does stealth factor into A-A calculations). Now I know why


        • #5
          This can't be that hard to program - all it would take is one check against that stealth ability. And the SAM battery you build in the city seems to ignore the stealth planes, so they've done it before. Very disappointing, from both a the realism and gameplay standpoints...


          • #6
            Yes, you were ignored specifically because they knew that information, they had it on hand, and they went "oh no, we can't admit that might be wrong."

            As for how hard it is to program, you'd be surprised what's easy to code and what isn't - one of the largest lessons of the beta, in fact, was that it was amazing what was easy to code - and what wasn't!
            Friedrich Psitalon
            Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
            Consultant, Firaxis Games


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fried-Psitalon
              Yes, you were ignored specifically because they knew that information, they had it on hand, and they went "oh no, we can't admit that might be wrong."
              Seems reasonable to me that they would avoid answering a question whose reply wasn't something that would evoke oohs and aahs from the audience.

              So right back atcha!


              • #8
                Even if it's not so easy to code, this seems like a pretty important problem. What's the point of having stealth units that get shot down by AA? I'm thinking of modding them out of the game entirely.


                • #9
                  I don't mind this much.

                  Stl. Bombers still have defense of 5, which makes and that it:
                  Against AA 1: 17%
                  Against AA 2: 29%
                  Against AA 3: 38%
                  Against AA 4: 44%

                  In case of Bombers (defense of 2), it is:
                  Against AA 1: 33%
                  Against AA 2: 50%
                  Against AA 3: 60%
                  Against AA 4: 66%

                  That's almost doubled chance of survival.
                  And if add to that, that SAM Battery and enemy planes can't do a thing ...

                  Needless to say I think it's more balanced this way.

                  And this makes Stl. Fighter a little bit more usefull with defense of 6.


                  • #10
                    AA = flak and mobile sam units as well as ship AA but not fixed SAM or Air superiority fighters?

                    just to clarify.
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                    Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
                    Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


                    • #11
                      By the way:

                      Did anyone find is cuirous that while SAM Battery needs Aluminium, Mobile SAM doesn't need resources at all.

                      TOW Infantry + Mobile SAM: Resouce poor civs strike back.

