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Both Golden Ages at the same time

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  • Both Golden Ages at the same time

    I have read about the idea of a Scientific Leader being able to give you a Scientific Golden Age that reduces tech rates for 20 turns, and we all know about the Common or Garden Golden Age that boosts both production and trade.

    However, is it possible to get them both at the same time, and if so, what far-reaching effects does this super-GA have?

    Please, if you have any info on this, or can test it out (give yourself a SGL and MGL in the editor and test it! ), let us know.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Wait, this is actually possible? I thought it was just a suggestion.


    • #3
      I don't see why it wouldn't be possible considering that the two types of GA come from different sources. Odds are pretty good that someone is gonna eventually hit both at once.


      • #4
        I did this in my last game. The golden age of course gives one extra commerce and shield from each tile that already produces one. The "Age of Science Discovery" that an SGL provides increases each individual city's science output by 25% (though the F1 screen doesn't reflect the increase, even though research time is reduced).

        As an example, your size 6 city happens to produce 12 raw commerce (2 from each tile), with 2 lost to corruption, leaving a net of 10 commerce. Your science slider is at 50%, meaning 5 commerce fromthe city is spent of science. That 5 science turns into 10 beakers by virtue of the library and university in the city. When you lanch your golden age, the same city now produces 18 raw commerce, still with 2 lost to corruption (would probably be three - but heck, this is just an example), leaving 16 raw commerce. The 50% slider means 8 goes to science; the lib-univ combo turns that 8 into 16 beakers. Now, if you launch an Age of Scientific Discovery with an SGL, the 16 beakers will be increased by 25%, or 4 beakers, meaning the city then produces 20 beakers.

        BTW, I confirmed that the increase is 25% on science, but did not think to check whether it increases the raw commerce towrads science (which then gets the lib-univ) benefit, or whther it takes the output, after the lib-univ combo, and then adds the 25%. Either way would produuce roughly the same amount of bonus, but with rounding problems it could make a difference (i.e., if applied to 7 raw commerce, it might give a 25% bonus of 1 gold since the 1.75 true bonus is rounded down to 1, which means the total of 8 moves to 16 with the lib-univ; conversely, if the raw 7 is first increased by the lib-univ to 14, and then the 25% bonus is applied, it would generate 17 gold (3.5 bonus rounded down to 3).



        • #5
          Catt - wow! Thanks a lot for that. I look forward to hoarding my SGL for this time...

          And I remember that the SGA increases the pre-modifier science.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

