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City size in C3C editor

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  • City size in C3C editor

    Could you please help me with a problem in the C3C editor?

    When I set the city size, where can I see which is the highest possible number of citizens that can be supported by the food in the city?

    And where can I see which improvements are in a city without starting the game?
    I see there is the possibility to add improvements ... but I can't find where I can see which are already in that city. Is it possible?

  • #2
    When I set the city size, where can I see which is the highest possible number of citizens that can be supported by the food in the city?

    You don't

    And where can I see which improvements are in a city without starting the game?

    It's a list just like the list of which civs can build a unit. Those element that are highlighted are in the city.

    EDIT: I just made Emperor!
    Last edited by Kuciwalker; November 17, 2003, 20:59.


    • #3
      You don't :|
      That's awkward.

      Why didn't they think of it?

      It's a list just like the list of which civs can build a unit. Those element that are highlighted are in the city.
      I don't see any highlightened improvements. I have just the list with all improvements, and when I click on "ok", it is inserted into the city (which I can see when I start the game), but the list of improvements in the editor remains unchanged.
      No highlightened improvements, none are missing on the list.

      EDIT: Well, I can insert an improvement, and then it's highlightened. But when I insert another, the first is deleted.
      What can I do? How can I activate some, without activating those which are between two I want to activate? (Space bar doesn't work)?

      Do you have any ideas what I can do here?

      By the way ... it is not possible to set citizens of different nationalities into a city, right?
      It's a pity.

      Thanks for your answer.

      EDIT: I just made Emperor!
      Last edited by Sim; November 16, 2003, 16:22.


      • #4
        Using Shift will allow you to highlight a range of improvements. Using Control will allow you to specify multiple improvements that aren't necessarily in order (for example, you want improvements A, D, G, and I, but not the ones in between).


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sim

          Why didn't they think of it?
          No need to. A cities size is determined by the amount of food available. I doubt that there even is a maximum number of citizens.


          • #6
            That is exactly what I was talking about.

            I can't see in the editor whether a city suffers already of shortage when I give it a certain size.

            So I don't know what is the highes possible number of citizens that I can set without loading the game.

