I was just sending my trebuchet stack of doom around to visit all of my neighbors on this continent and it occured to me one way to limit the power of these beasts would be to make more terrain impassable to wheeled units without roads. I'm thinking of adding forest and hills to the currently impassable-by-wheeled jungles, marshes, mountains, and volcanoes. It would also be cool if you could prevent wheeled units from crossing rivers if there are not bridges (i.e roads on both sides of the river) -- this could allow you to set up interesting tactics where the defender could pillage or bomb a bunch of roads around a river to delay an invasion: the enemy would have to fight his way across the river with foot units -- giving the defenders a defensive river bonus, then being workers/engineers over to rebuild the roads on both sides before you could bring the artillery. I think this would be good for gameplay as well as more realistic (after all, it shouldn't be very easy to transport large numbers of artillery across enemy territory...it should slow down your troops advance.), plus it increases the tactical importance of terrain.
What do people think?
What do people think?