A bit of background, I'm running a P3:700 and am using a Plextor 12/10/32A as my main (and only) CD drive. My hard drives are on removable enclosures so that I have my own HD with everything the way I want it, and my wife has hers just as she likes it. Both are running Win2000 Pro w SP 4 (and hers is a recent full install on account of how I recently had to fix some windows issues). I also have a small (8 GB) HD I use for testing and it also has Win2000 Pro SP 4.
I'm a legal owner of both Civ3 and now as of a couple days ago Civ3:Conquests.
On my main HD, Civ3:Conquests does not launch, it keeps asking for the CD. The CD spins up and down a few times then it pops up a dialog box asking for the CD.
On my test HD, it does the exact same thing.
On my *wife's* HD on the other hand, it installs and works just fine, from this I infer that it's NOT the CD.
I (and my wife) would prefer that I not have to play it on hers. How do I work around this? I've tried creating an image of the CD and launching from that. Same results, works on hers, doesn't on mine. I'd prefer not to have to do a full reinstall of Win2000 just to get it to work, especially if it might not actually fix the issue.
I suppose I could wait for a crack to appear, but it really bothers me that I've paid the money for this game that I can't even use because of the brain-dead copy protection that they're using.
Am I overlooking something obvious? Any suggestions? Anyone else having this problem?
A bit of background, I'm running a P3:700 and am using a Plextor 12/10/32A as my main (and only) CD drive. My hard drives are on removable enclosures so that I have my own HD with everything the way I want it, and my wife has hers just as she likes it. Both are running Win2000 Pro w SP 4 (and hers is a recent full install on account of how I recently had to fix some windows issues). I also have a small (8 GB) HD I use for testing and it also has Win2000 Pro SP 4.
I'm a legal owner of both Civ3 and now as of a couple days ago Civ3:Conquests.
On my main HD, Civ3:Conquests does not launch, it keeps asking for the CD. The CD spins up and down a few times then it pops up a dialog box asking for the CD.
On my test HD, it does the exact same thing.
On my *wife's* HD on the other hand, it installs and works just fine, from this I infer that it's NOT the CD.
I (and my wife) would prefer that I not have to play it on hers. How do I work around this? I've tried creating an image of the CD and launching from that. Same results, works on hers, doesn't on mine. I'd prefer not to have to do a full reinstall of Win2000 just to get it to work, especially if it might not actually fix the issue.
I suppose I could wait for a crack to appear, but it really bothers me that I've paid the money for this game that I can't even use because of the brain-dead copy protection that they're using.
Am I overlooking something obvious? Any suggestions? Anyone else having this problem?