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Middle Ages Scenario

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  • #46
    I just have C3C, and have tried the Middle Age scen with the Fatimid (which are the first choice on the list). I managed to create quite a large nation, spreading from Morocco to Egypt, captured Egypt from the Abassids (replaying history in a sense), but because of the giant spread I had quite some troubles with corruption, so I didn't get enough money to create large number of units. Nevertheless I managed to capture Jerusalem, Damascus and Baghdad, which destroyed the Abassids.

    After that I slowly expanded in Africa, built the "Wall Street"-equivalent, which created some cash flow, whereafter I went on the Byzantins. Just in the last few turns I captured Constantinoples. I won with a VP victory, although I haven't seen any relic. I watched on the review how far the relics have gotten, but the closest was still before the Hungarians, however, there was certain activity with those. Picked up here and there...

    I also got declared war on me by a French setller/spearman in South-Turkey, when they stumbled on my assassin which I sent to Constantinoples tho help me slain the kings...

    Quite nice level, although I would have liked to defend Jerusalem against those christian infidels

    Grtz, Rysz


    • #47
      I'm on my first crack at this one. Like you, Dissident, I chose England and immediately packed up the relic in an army and shipped it off in a galley. No problem there, except it shows how woeful my geographical knowledge is. I had to get out an atlas to see that I really could get the galley to Israel.

      My question is: what do the kings and queens do? Just stand there looking pretty? I'm interested that you kept yours in their original homes; I was thinking as I fell asleep last night that I ought to move them to London and wall the city. (Don't know whether I can build walls, however.) Anyway, do the kings/queens do anything?

      Thanks for your help.


      • #48
        What is the goal for Arabs in this one? Just to win by culture?


        • #49
          MyOlde - Lose all 3 kings and you're out, that's why it's called Regicide. Best to keep them separate and protected (although the AI is only likely to kill them in the process of trying to wipe out your civ).

          bfg - Any civ can get the 10,000 VP for returning a relic to Jerusalem so capturing them is desirable, otherwise it is points for killing units and capturing cities. (If you are thinking of our PBEM go pick on someone else, I have enough problems right now - and you probably will soon)
          Never give an AI an even break.


          • #50
            Originally posted by CerberusIV
            (If you are thinking of our PBEM go pick on someone else, I have enough problems right now - and you probably will soon)
            Oh, it was on my mind before we started.

            Are you the one having difficulties with the Danes?


            • #51
              Originally posted by GhengisFarb Are you the one having difficulties with the Danes?
              For now. But it isn't smart to pick on another human player when you can't finish them off. The MP version is significantly different from the SP with fewer civs and some different starting set ups.
              Never give an AI an even break.


              • #52
                Cordovans just want peaceful coexistence, Cerberus....


                • #53
                  Yes, I'm irritated that the Holy Relic that the Burgundians normally start with isn't in the game since they were one of the civs eliminated.


                  • #54
                    I just learned how tough it is to win Jerusalem. My original English army failed. Needs more, much more, than one army.

                    So...might as well load up with a few relics before trudging off to Jerusalem.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by MyOlde
                      I just learned how tough it is to win Jerusalem. My original English army failed. Needs more, much more, than one army.
                      When I played as the Swedes it took 3 3x berserk armies plus 10 more berserks (of which I lost 8) to take Jerusalem. The Abbasids had Ansars and Assassins. When you go on crusade you really have to mean it.
                      Never give an AI an even break.


                      • #56
                        in my latest monarch game I had 2 armies of beserkers (actually 1 of those armies I accidently put a swordsmen in it ). and a couple stray beserkers. it still took 3 or 4 turns to break in and demolish the city. Hey- I was Viking (norway)- I'm expected to raze the city


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by CerberusIV
                          When I played as the Swedes it took 3 3x berserk armies plus 10 more berserks (of which I lost 8) to take Jerusalem. The Abbasids had Ansars and Assassins. When you go on crusade you really have to mean it.
                          Yeah, when the AI is STILL holding Jerusalem, that's hard and for a good reason. BUT when it's previously razed, the byzantine did it in my game, well when my crusade reached the site it was defended only by 2 spearmen. A cakewalk. For an obelisk of this importance, they should have coded the AI to defend it seriously whatever the city is razed or not, OR no razing option possible when capturing Jerusalem ( the latter is probably simpler, other fans have already posted about that ).
                          The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


                          • #58
                            I played as Denmark, and sent 32 berserkers, and only lost a few in taking the city, but I have had a lot problems with assassins. That hasn't been the hard part, it's been tough gaining traction in Europe, especially since Burgundy, my main enemy, has begun building Knights. They're quite pumped in this scenario, with a 5 attack, and I have no defensive units better than 2.
                            Rhett Monroe Chassereau

                            "I use to be with it, then they changed what it is. And what I'm with isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me." -Abe Simpson

