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Tweaking Conquest Scenarios?

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  • Tweaking Conquest Scenarios?

    I was wondering if it is possible to "tweak" or change a few of the factors for a given conquest simulation using the initial "preferences" screen? By this I mean the "Preference" screen selected from the initial program launch splash screen. For example, to make sure the cities keep building the originally selected units in the Rise of Rome.

    I noted there is a specific scenario editor for the Civ Conquest segment. When launch it, and attempt to open a specific scenario, the only choice is listed as "conquest.bic". If I alter this, will I be altering all the conquests, or just the one I am currently using and playing?

    Anyone with success in tweaking or making slight alterations in the conquest scenarios, please let us know the best way to go about this.

  • #2
    Conquests.biq is the scenario file for the main game, not the individual conquests. To change them you need to go into the Conquests subdirectory (one below where you were).

    I'd recommend actually playing the scenarios as intended as least once before tweaking them though.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain

