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WW2 Pacific...WOW!

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  • WW2 Pacific...WOW!

    This is one hell of a scenario! I have played a few hours as Japan. I hit Pearl Harbor first and hard too. Every last plane that was on my carrier decks went in for attack. I remained for 3 turns launching airstrikes and when my fleet left, Honolulu was in complete ruins. I sank alot of ships (like 5 of them) , damaged others and wreaked major havoc on the city. Seems the bombardment rule for ships in port plays a big part on bombing them.

    Then I sank the British battleships, Prince of Wales and Repulse. After this I started island hopping. I attacked Guam, Midway, and Wake first. Then attacked China and the Philippines. Still not able to get a foothold on the Philippines though. I am bombarding the heck out of Manila though.

    I had alot of naval battles, especially as time went on. The US must have built more and more ships. I lost alot of DDs already and a few cruisers and even a battleship. Thankfully I still have all carriers, almost lost one though, the Soryu and it was close. Had another one damaged pretty good too but I managed to get it out of harms way, don't remember which one that was.

    Those flak guns are making a difference for the enemy! Alot of my planes have been shot down by them. A few times I seen some ships shoot them down too. Works pretty good but hurting me. Then again I have shot some US planes down too. In one turn I lost 3 zero fighters and a bomber from attacking one city that had AA and intercepting fighters.

    I have set most small islands to wealth production. The scenario last 50 turns (long turns though) and I was seeing 70-80 turns to build some units at those small islands. So I preferred to let them make some extra money for me instead. I saved the production for my main cities.

    Now the graphics, they are awesome. Love the Zeros, Wildcats and Japanese carriers just to name only a few! The cruisers are perfect too.

    Can't say enough good about all of it. Excellent scenario and excellent expansion! A few minutes there I felt like I was playing some Pacific theater wargame instead of CIV3. So obviously it was done well.

  • #2
    Sounds great indeed

    and I was seeing 70-80 turns to build some

    Not enough money to rush buy?
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      Nope, you can't rush build. You only have 1000 at first. I never made it through my first turn because there were so many military units to move. I played as Japan, it was the first thing I did. I quit to check out the Mayans, so I will definitely be going back to this Conquest. It looks like it will be a great war.

