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scenario files

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  • scenario files

    This may be a dumb question, and I was'nt sure were to put it.

    Why are all scenario and map files I've downloaded from the net in *.bix, instead of *.bic format? And what are the *.bix files anyway? The game (or the editor) can't read them.

  • #2
    .bix files are PTW scenario files. If you have Play the World (the expansion to Civ3) you can play .bix scenarios and edit .bix files with the editor.
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    • #3
      You won't be able to read .bix files if you don't have Play the World on your computer. When downloading a scenario, you should watch if it is PtW only, or it works with both versions. Several scenarios (especially maps) may be compatible with vanilla Civ3, but are .bix because they have been created with the PtW editor. You may ask the author directly if it is possible for him to give a vanilla Civ3 compatible version or not.

      But otherwise, you may want to buy the next expansion of Civ3, due next month, which will cost about 25$€. It will include all contents from the PtW expansion, as well as quite much new content. You'll also be able to play with every scenario you'll download from the Internet.
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