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MOD: Warhammer Fantasy Mod 1.0

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  • MOD: Warhammer Fantasy Mod 1.0

    Released: 13/10/2003
    Requirements: Civ3:PTW version 1.27f, 260 MB of free disk space

    For full information about the world and the rules, visit the mod's website:
    All legal info, credits and thankyou's are also there, as well as in the readme.txt.


    My goal was to create the first "classic" fantasy mod with distinctive races, so you can finally play elves, dwarfs, orcs etc. Warhammer world, being universal and open-ended, seemed to be the perfect background for this. I did my best to prepare the first release free of bugs and missing files, so you can enjoy the mod fully. If you want to learn more about the world, rules, playable factions, units etc. please visit the mod's website.

    To make the long story short, there are 20 playable factions, including elves, dwarfs, chaos, orcs & goblins. 127 custom unit animations were used, some of them created specially for this mod. All things like tech tree, buildings, wonders and resources were made from scratch, with only a couple of remnants from the original Civ3.


    It's important to see excerpts of something that will take a while to download, so here they are:
    Not really a screenshot, but a preview of all factions/leaders.
    Older screenshot of Wood Elven kingdom
    View of Sylvanian city
    Hordes of Chaos invading a Norse colony
    The Dark Ages from the goblin point of view
    The Magic Era from the chaos' perspective
    The Imperial Era seen with imperial eyes


    Download and install instructions are here.
    Last edited by embryodead; October 15, 2003, 19:03.

  • #2
    There's actually a Warhammer Fantasy Mod forum and group that started working on one of these. Their trying to get licensing permission from Games Workshop last I hear.

    Are you creating units for all races from scratch? I've been working here and there on some Warhammer units for the fantasy mod I'm tinkering with.


    • #3
      Damn, I've been working on this mod for almost a year, had a lot of help and input on CFC, posted many previews, units, leaderheads, and never got any contact with any other warhammer group, except for loose WH40K group Never found them here or at CDG either. Unless you're speaking of that forum from 2001?
      I've seen some of your previews and would love to see them done, but you usually disappear after posting them (ie. that warhammer-style orc)

      The mod uses units created by various creators as well as things I made from scratch in poser, specially for this mod (ie. Cold One Knight, Thunderer, Slayer, many elf & orcs, and 10 animated leaderheads in total, like Tomb King, Witch-King, Queen of the Wood etc. - at least look at the 1st screenshot). oh, and you can download it, you know...

      BTW licensing is not needed unless you wanted to sell such mod, and you can't since Firaxis doesn't allow it either. According to the current GW IP policy, TC mods for computer games are allowed. No permission is needed but certain conditions must be met (there's a long list).


      • #4
        I've heard rumors of a Warhammer 40k mod for Civ3.

        You guys wouldn't know anything about this would you ?

        I think it just might be cool to have the Imperial Marines stomp some Ork butt into the dirt ... but only if such a mod can be made.
        Thank god, there are no KENDER in Civ3.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KenderBane
          I've heard rumors of a Warhammer 40k mod for Civ3.

          You guys wouldn't know anything about this would you ?
          "we" would. I am making units for this mod. You can see some previews here, only 2 eldar and space wolf now, though I will post about 30 unit previews this weekend (mostly Ultramarines and Chaos).


          • #6
            Cool MOd, btw.


            • #7
              Any chance of making the "actual" map? There are world maps in a few of the army books, and I have some websites if you need


              • #8
                There is a map already. I included it in 1.01 update, as well as in the new one.


                • #9
                  I haven't downloaded this (don't have PTW/haven't played in a year), but from the screenshots, the map appears incorrect


                  • #10
                    to the mod

                    now all we need is a Warhammer 40k mod...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jer8m8
                      I haven't downloaded this (don't have PTW/haven't played in a year), but from the screenshots, the map appears incorrect
                      The screenshots are from random maps. This mod is intended to be played by everyone, hundreds of times, so random map is default. World map is included as a separate file for warhammer fans. See the attachment for a minimap preview, you can get the idea. It's a compromise between accuracy and playability (ie. the chaos wastes).
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        No lustria But looks brillant anyway . Here I am, trying to mod the EU2 map for warhammer fantasy...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jer8m8
                          No lustria But looks brillant anyway . Here I am, trying to mod the EU2 map for warhammer fantasy...
                          There is no Lustria because there is no single civ that inhabits these areas. There are, however, people working on lizardmen and amazon units, so future version will open new possibilties.


                          • #14
                            Just curious (and I'm sure this is the wrong area) but if I buy conquests, does that include PTW? And will conquests be able to play earlier scenarios?


                            • #15
                              Yes and yes.

