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Map Sizes

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  • Map Sizes

    I've been creating a map but it appears i have room left over, is it possible to somehow modify the size of the map after I have created it??
    Revolution Gaming - Revolution Technology

  • #2
    No there really isn't any easy way. You could turn your map into a .bmp resize it and then use the bmp to bix utility to get a new size. But otherwsie you will just have to use the size you started with, sorry.
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    • #3
      There are no conventional ways of doing this, and no tools I know that odes it. However, I think it would be possible to add to C3MT in an upcoming version...

      I'll add it at the bottom of my todo list
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        I'll add it at the bottom of my todo list

        Gramphos do you plan on buying Conquests?
        For your photo needs:

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        • #5
          How do I change it to a bitmap? Is it just gettitng the minimap pic?
          Revolution Gaming - Revolution Technology


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sheik

            Gramphos do you plan on buying Conquests?
            Yes, but maybe not until the Chrismas holidays.

            Have studies to do in the semester...

            I'll see how things turns out. But I plan on making C3MT support C3C. Might actually be able to add some support without actually having the game. There will be some saves and biq files out there anyway, that I would probably be able to add some compability codes to handle them.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              Oh, and btw. C3C support will be added at the top of the todo list once it's out

              Actually the current todo list starts by some code cleaning, as I have reson to believe that I will have to rewrite the main BIC-file handling functionality to beable to support conquests, but I'm not sure before I see it, but it's a large risk that my old code wrote for vanilla will have a technical limit for adding more sections to the bic structure now. I was able to make the old code work with PTW, but if they add more than one or two sections to the BIC I will have to rewrite the section coordination system (which I intend to do anyways as the current system is bad and inflexible (but if something works you shouldn't fix it))
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

