So, I guess no addition of client states as a game option in this incarnation of Civ. I'm really looking forward to C3C, don't get me wrong, but this is an idea long overdue. It will basically be impossible to truly emulate modern America in Civ, still, as the "core area" or "homeland" as we call it cannot be a Democracy while having overseas possessions be dictatorships.
The client states of history must be repsented. Troops of Civ_A should be able to station their troops in a city of Civ_B, take Civ_B's gold in exchange for "protection" or "liberation," etc.
And no IMF!
C3C looks great, but the modern era isn't just about cool new units; it's about cool new ways to manipulate the world. Hopefully, this concept will be integrated at some point.
The client states of history must be repsented. Troops of Civ_A should be able to station their troops in a city of Civ_B, take Civ_B's gold in exchange for "protection" or "liberation," etc.
And no IMF!
C3C looks great, but the modern era isn't just about cool new units; it's about cool new ways to manipulate the world. Hopefully, this concept will be integrated at some point.