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Graphics overhaul

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  • Graphics overhaul

    Personally I think the civ graphics could be improved a little the more i play the more i nottice that units seem bland and un detaild.I also would like mutiple units displayed in one square this way you could click directily on the needed unit not have to
    fumbal around a list of 40 to find one unit.
    Absolute power corrupts absolutely

  • #2
    They could at least put the 40 - long list into alphabetical order
    "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


    • #3
      Originally posted by spy14
      They could at least put the 40 - long list into alphabetical order
      That's for sure!
      With the possible exception of putting loaded units (in armies or transports) directly under their parent unit.


      • #4
        I hate having to search for one unit in a list of 60 most of the time i will pass it up.Also they shoud allow you to wake only artillery so you dont have to single them out.
        Absolute power corrupts absolutely


        • #5
          Originally posted by Elias
          I hate having to search for one unit in a list of 60 most of the time i will pass it up.Also they shoud allow you to wake only artillery so you dont have to single them out.
          That would be so, so welcome. I really hate when you have a really long list of units that you have to scroll through that the list will jump back to the begining if you hold shift and try to pick out units.
          "It takes you years to learn how to play like yourself." Miles Davis

