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Scenario Under Construction: Fall of Rome

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  • #16
    thanks all for the support, I really appreciate it.

    and sorry all for the delay in the update. I've been busy with school work...and I'm still debating certain features of the scenario.

    Mainly...the timeframe.

    When should the scenario start, and when should it end?

    starting dates...either 370 AD or 428 AD.

    370, the coming of the Huns. The Roman Empire was still intact. It would really be a fall of Rome, the empire slowly giving away under external presures. However, it's likely that Firaxis' scenario will start at this date, so all the more reason for me not to use it as a starting date. But an even bigger reason is historal accuracy. By starting in 370, I will never get the Goths into SW France, or the Vandals into Spain and Africa. Especcially because there will be no scripting for events. I can't give the Goths any cities in France on a certain date, or anything of that sort. Also, in 370, some of the key players in Rome's fall, were still relatively unimportant.

    428 seems a good date. The Visigoths have settled in France, the Vandals and Sueves in Spain, the Romans have left Britain. Historically, the Vandals crossed Gibraltar in this year. Using some artistic licence, I'll also use this as a starting date for the Rome vs Hun wars, and the coming of the Saxons in Britain. Not entirely accurate, but again, since I can't use events it's the best I could do.

    So most likely, the scenario will start in 428.

    But where does it end? 453 (fall of the Huns)? 478 (fall of Rome)? 500? 600?

    I was thinking about making it last all the way up to 600, a bit before the Arab conquests. This would allow for greater historical roles for the Francs, Ostrogoths, Byzantines, among others. The theme would focus less on Rome's fall, and more on "make your nation the most powerfull in Europe". Probably a lot like Firaxis Middle Ages scenario will be like. It allows for more freedom for the player.

    This does however create a problem with some of the Civs. Mainly, the Lombards and the Huns. The Lombards didn't play a huge role in the 5th century, but were a key player in the 6th century. On the other hand, we have the Huns. They played a huge role in the 5th century, but disappeared from existance long before the 6th century.

    No matter what timeframe I use, the Huns remain a problem. After 453, they didn't play a big role in Europe anymore. I want it to be possible for the Huns to own all of Europe (as they tried to do), but I don't want to make it an inevitability. More so, I want it to be able for the Huns to be destroyed completely! Certainly if the scenario runs all the way through the 6th century.

    So what to do? Hmm. I think I'll sleep on it for a night, and make up my mind then.
    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


    • #17

      2 additional civs: Lombards & Burgundians

      Additional features: Plagues & Mutli-king regencide.

      Does anyone know if one civ can have 3 kings, and others only 2?
      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

