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Another Hitler leader head?

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  • Another Hitler leader head?

    Same story as for Willem van Oranje... well, this time I have not finished all the pictures yet but I intend to be done with them in a day or two. I need somebody to prepare the flics for me as I just cannot download a program to make them - it will take far too long time and (especially) too many disks as I would need to copy it to another PC to be able to work with it. Anybody help?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by KlarJanice; September 25, 2003, 13:35.

  • #2
    If you mean you send the pics and the person just as to put them together to make the Flic animation I can help you (provided the size of the group of pics is not to high).
    The Great Armada scenario


    • #3
      Yes! That is EXACTLY what I meant.
      I should be done with the pictures within 48 hours... hopefully much less. When I'm done shall I upload them directly here in a zip file or should I contact you privately?


      (And no, the size should not be too big. I am making the pictures 'Era specific' but am not really working on an animation and I don't think I ever will unless I suddendly have a LOT of time to spare... and in such case, I think I could even endeavour myself to try looking for the program and copy it to another PC using hundreds of floppy disks


      • #4
        You can send me the files at

        Just take off the part written to annoy bots lol

        Otherwise an easy solution is to download the trial version of PSP which includes Animation Shop, and this one enables you to create Flics pretty easily.
        The Great Armada scenario


        • #5
          Sending it now.
          *starts editing post*
          Er, re-sending it now.

          This time there are 11 pictures for each era... and I seriously hope they are enough. I think that devoting one week of free time to edit Hitler's pictures is more than enough for the rest of my life.
          Last edited by KlarJanice; September 28, 2003, 11:10.


          • #6
            ...just in case anybody was curious to see it, here is an animated gif 'preview'.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Good work
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • #8
                Oh, thanks.
                If you're interested in the graphics, I'll of course make the 'package' available for anyone to download when it's ready. For now, I'm just waiting to hear from LouLong about the Flics.


                • #9
                  Where can one download this?
                  "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                  -Kaiser Willhem II


                  • #10
                    It says preview. Which means it's not a finnished files (in that case it should be in the files forum. So you can't download it yet)
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #11
                      Well, actually, it IS completed now.
                      I just zipped everything 5 minutes ago.

                      What am I supposed to do now? Just upload it here? It's quite big, about 9.5Mb...


                      • #12
                        Email it to me and I will upload it on the civ3 fiels area. Then you will get a reply with the download url, and you can post a new thread titled sometihng like 'LEADERHEAD: Hitler by KlarJanice' (Or anything in your choise and I'll move the thread to the files forum. Then you vcan post a directory entry for the file in the direcory)
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #13
                          Sent. Or at least I think so. I'm having problems with Outlook lately, and was using a new mail account I just created.
                          Please let me know if you got it. If necessary I'll send it again.


                          • #14

                            You should either edit your first post or start a new threead for the finnished file.

                            Once you have the link in a first post I'll move the thread to files.
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

